31 Aug 2023

31.08.2023 Not an unsuccessful day.


 Thursday 31st Overcast. Possible cloudbursts or rain. It rained heavily last night. I had a hard time getting to sleep last night. Bed at midnight. Up at 6.15. Catching up with the laundry backlog. I am having to hang the clean clothes on indoor airers. I need an early walk to loosen up tired muscles.

8.45. Just a short walk. A rest day on the earthworks. Probably just as well. Because the wetness from heavy rain carries mud onto the road. The aches and pains have subsided. I need to go shopping.  

 9.30 The crisis of a lack of drying space finally had me stretching a washing line along the inside of the greenhouse roof. It has taken me long enough! 18' [of a potential 22'] is enough length to hang  most of the wet t-shirts. The lack of sunshine does not bode well for quick drying. At least they are not being drenched by cloudbursts. [If any.] It is dry, but grey, so far. 

 Now I must speculate whether opening the outer doors will hasten drying. Or slow it due to the cool, outdoor  temperatures. There is no visible air movement. Fuzzy logic suggests closed doors will raise the temperature in the greenhouse. Which may help the cause more. Than potentially, accelerated evaporation from a weak airflow.

 In a perfect world I would have cleared the greenhouse floor of accumulated detritus by now. Alas it has not been prioritised by "the staff" so far.

 14.20 Lunch over. I spent the morning touring all the charity shops over a wide area. Without success in searching for specific items. There were only a few localised, wet areas with tire spray from recent rain. Dry everywhere else.

 The T-shirts on the line in the [now warm] greenhouse are still damp at the bottom. While those on airers, in the lounge, are still damp throughout. It is only 65F downstairs, indoors. Signs of brightening and even some sunshine. That should push temperatures up a bit.

18.30 Still monitoring the greenhouse washing line. It was warm but humid out there with the doors closed. The old T-shirts dry faster because they are thinned from decades of wear. The new ones retain moisture in their greater thickness. 

 I have to use up the chicken and mushrooms. Perhaps I should make curry? I haven't had that for quite a while. Or, I could make a greasy spoon fry-up. With poached eggs and beans.


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