28 Aug 2023

28.08.2023 Go east young [?] man?


Monday 28th [F later]  A restless night. Up at 6am. Bright but milky sky. With some golden sunshine. 

 I seem to have developed memories. Or increased awareness of dreams when I wake. Incredible, razor sharp, realistic, colourful detail, but with very confused story lines. Though I can recognize allegories of real events. These are often displayed in very unrealistic scenarios. 

 I presume my brain is selecting random memories. For processing or presentation, within the dreams, but completely missing logic and reason. I had one recent dream. Where shelving units became a huge, outdoor exhibition. With New Zealand strongly represented. Without my having any connection. Nor any particular interest in NZ. 

 Later, I was walking on a downhill pavement, in the dark, in search of something. While being harried by radio controlled cars bumping into the backs of my shoes. I recently visited a large, outdoor market on sloping ground. Searching for items of interest but found nothing worth buying. I have been watching YT videos of drones in Ukraine.

 All very odd but seemingly harmless. Unlike the long run of dreams. Where clear memories of my wife were involved. I would wake up and often have to get up. To avoid continuing to torture myself. With painful dreams "reliving" past events. Though sometimes these would also be strangely twisted stories. In one example, I had to cross a wide canal by swimming. To get to the shops with my wife. 

 I am a very poor swimmer and my wife once saved my life. After I jumped into deep water at a public swimming baths. There seemed to be no lifeguards on duty. We never went to a pool after that and I hated the perpetually cold water at the beach. On our annual camping holidays. The most obvious interpretation is that it is now impossible to go shopping with my wife.

 7.30. Time for a walk. It is my busy, alternate week.  With cooking classes and the museum. I haven't had an e-bike ride for what seems like ages. I may be able to ride to my cooking classes, weather permitting. If not then I had better do so today. When I am free, the wind is light and some sunshine is promised. Now I just need a suitable goal. 

 7.45. I'll see if I can come up with some ideas on my walk. Unfortunately I seemed to have chosen the rush hour. With almost constant traffic. Sometimes pushing me onto the verge. Or choosing to retreat there to avoid buses and lorries. The sun was in my eyes on the return leg. So I has to be even more careful than usual. The aches from yesterday's exertions abated.

8.50  There is Nyborg at 50km. On the opposite side of Fyn in a fairly straight line. 100km is about 60 miles. Manageable with two full batteries. A bit over two hours each way plus stops at my typical, average speed. I'd need snacks and fluids. There are plenty of Corny bars on the shelf but I have no apple juice left. No Netto supermarkets on the route either. 

 I like their organic apple juice in tiny cartons. Just the right amount for a brief stop and very refreshing. I could swing south to take in Ringe or even Ørbæk or both. Ringe would take me along the rural cycle path built on the old railway. An easy ride and high average cruising speeds on the gentle inclines. Though I am always careful to avoid distressing other users. I usually have the path to myself during the day.

 That would add 10km for 60km each way to Nyborg. 120km would be a new distance record for the e-bike in one day. 75 miles. Google maps has it at 3h15m per leg by bike.  Say seven hours. Call my average speed 30km hr and it's down to 4 hours. Highly unrealistic! 25km/hr =~5hrs moving time + stops. I should still be back by mid to late afternoon. Still doable on two full batteries. I'd need my best bibs to limit saddle soreness to a minimum.

 9.15. No more waffling! Time to get ready. 

16.45.  It was 10.30 by the time I left. Rode to Nyborg and back via Ringe and Ørbæk on the way. Straight through Odense on the way back. Surprisingly similar path lengths. One curving to the south. The other to the north. 128km or 80 miles. Averaged 24km/hr while moving over 5.5hours. Average cadence 77rpm. I changed batteries at 23% at 82km in Langeskov. Gone for over six hours in total. No lunch. I ate four micro Corny bars and drank four micro apple juices. I should have taken bananas or a cheese roll but had none.

 6.45 I have slept for two hours!

 20.00 Dinner was an apple while I prepared the meal. Mackerel in tomato sauce on toast, with fresh tomatoes. Tomato soup and a roll. A beer and a cup of milky coffee with chocolate coated biscuits. Not simultaneously, but in that order.

 Did the washing up. Bed at near midnight. To be sure I sleep after that two hour nap.


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