19 Aug 2023

19.08.2023 Kitchen reorganisation.


 Saturday 19th 17C/62F. Overcast, thick mist and blowing a gale! None of which is shown in the forecast. There is something strangely wrong about simultaneous mist and wind. It feels too much like special effects for a film's atmosphere.

8.00 The mist is slowly clearing and the easterly wind reducing. Time for a walk.

 9.15 65F. Back from my normal walk to the lanes. Still overcast with some mist. Morning coffee over. Back to my chores! Where do I start?

 11.00 73F. Sunshine through a milky sky. I started with reorganising the kitchen. A small table and a corner shelving unit have been removed. The large trolley is now in the far left corner. Hidden beyond the working surface/draining board. Which overhangs quite a large storage area if I get it better organised. The image is badly distorted by the phone camera but gives a general idea. 

The ugly far wall will be insulated before finishing. The boot and shoe towers are now hidden in the alcove beyond the middle door. One tower could be removed if I put the cycling shoes elsewhere. They aren't needed for the e-bike. I have no plans to go back to the trike for the moment. So clipless shoes are irrelevant.

 I fitted underfloor heating pipes in the insulated floor under the tiles. Though it has never been used due to a lack of heat source. I also fitted the old wood stove with an internal heating tank. Which was rapidly covered in condensation and thick tar due to the cold of the floors. So from then on the stove performed only DHW duties while lit. Thereby robbing it of considerable output to the indoors.

 My plans for a wet, heat pump system for the kitchen and bathroom. Are waiting until prices drop from raving insanity to well below a total rip-off. Presently a minimum of £10k equivalent! It won't pay for itself before the house falls down. 

 The Danish government doesn't care about the population living in poorly insulated, badly heated, legacy housing. Anything you might hear on the news about Denmark being "green." Is strictly limited to headline, wind turbine farms. Which can easily be taken out with a couple of Russian missiles. 

 The government holds an occasional "lottery" amongst those interested in a taxpayer subsidy for a heat pump or home insulation. The tiny cash pool lottery is emptied within minutes of opening online. Needless to say Denmark doesn't even come close to matching their empty claims. On combating climate change. With ideas which are trashed by the experts. CO2 capture, energy islands, etc. They are betting billions of taxpayer's money in CO2 capture using unproven technology.

 Back to the kitchen: I have vacuumed but haven't started on sorting all the "stuff" on every surface. There is lots of paint and rendering materials and tools. At last I can now reach most of the floor to start cleaning. 

 It is a good sized kitchen at 4.3m x 2.4m now it is mostly cleared. [14' x 7'9".] It is hard to believe that there was once only a narrow aisle against the working surface. Due to a foolish excess of furniture. I looked back at old photographs and was saddened and deeply depressed by it all. I built the kitchen storage units [?] on the right too. The original working surface and twin sinks have now been replaced. Only one sink this time.

 The fridge-freezer is proving nicely accessible. Now it is clear of the hall door. The fridge is getting rather noisy. So may be on its way out. I keep a close eye on the temperatures in the fridge. 5C and -20C measured just now. Using a digital inside/outside thermometer with a remote sensor on a lead. 

 The shelving larder [at top left] is still an untidy mess. I need to take the shelves down. After moving the larder into the pine cupboard. Which is hidden in the far left corner. Beyond the fridge and behind the door to the front hall. The shelves hinder potential furniture alternatives by severely limiting their height. I have glazed cabinets which could be wall mounted to tidy up the larder. They could replace the open shelves.

 13.00 75F. Lunch over and having a rest. Before returning to cleaning and tidying. When I mopped the kitchen tiles and continued tidying. Vacuumed upstairs.

 15.30 71F. Overcast and breezy. There is a band of heavy rain approaching my location from the west. With a countrywide warning for cloudbursts. Heavier rain, well to the north, is shown over Jylland.[Jutland] That means I shan't be able to finish trimming the hedges. Just as well. Because I am tired and aching.

 Dinner was cheese on toast with halved tomatoes. Followed by tomato soup and a bread roll. I have been watching the 2022 Tour de France series on Netflix. The Tour of Denmark didn't come to Fyn this year.


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