31 Dec 2020

31.12.2020 Crooks and incompetents, eh? Who needs them?


Thursday 31st 39F, another overcast day is forecast. 

I wasn't allowed to pay for my groceries yesterday thanks to one incompetent, banking and payment monopoly. So, today, I took my life in my hands and went shopping early at the supermarket. I was hoping to avoid the crowds. Mask and rubber gloves? Check. Use the spirit hand wash before and afterwards? Check. 

It was going so well until the crooks at ARLA dairy monopoly fooled me with their deliberately fraudulent, pretend, red "non-organic" label. Clearly designed to trick those whose reading glasses had temporarily steamed up because of the compulsory mask wearing. Or am I being unduly cynical?

This subterfuge caused me to walk rapidly back and forth, four times the length of a football field, in the now busy supermarket. As the queue grew and grew. To exchange six x 1litre cartons on non-organic milk for real organic milk with the official red, organic label. 

The Head Gardener would have sent me back if I'd bought the wrong stuff. So, thank you, NETS.eu and ARLA for making me risk my life and that of my dear wife. All in the name of your dirt cheap profit at our expense. Keep taking our money. But let's not forget all the evil, online sociopaths who ruin countless real lives with their greed and laziness.


30 Dec 2020

30.12.2020 Another wasted day thanks to technoidiocy.


Wednesday 30th 38F, overcast, with rain forecast for much of the day. My back is still aching from chronic idiocy. A walk to the lanes to the patter of rain on my hood.

The numbers of infected and dead in Denmark are rising sharply. With the alarm bells ringing all over. At the likelihood of sociopathically selfish fuckwits feeling entitled to party-party at the New Year. 

We tried to order some groceries online this morning. Just as we usually do to protect ourselves in our vulnerable age group from the Jinping Plague. The newly introduced, online card payment system was screwed up. So now we will have to wait several days before we can place an order.


29 Dec 2020

29.12.2020 Spot the fuckwits?


Tuesday 29th 33F, overcast with light snow falling earlier. Another dizzy morning. So I had to leave the computer and rest in an armchair. I fell asleep for over an hour. Now I'm back and feeling a bit better. It is too late to go for a walk now until after morning coffee.

I left much later than usual into gentle, but damp, falling snow. This soon petered out and it was possible to see a clear white disk of the sun behind the clouds at times. The traffic was intermittent but the majority completely ignored my need to stay dry from their tyre spray. 

My back is slowly improving after the massive boulder shifting, gravel shovelling and wheel barrowing. Not to mention loading and unloading all those 35kg concrete blocks. Then there was moving and setting up ladders, carrying buckets of water, etc. The problem, according to The Head Gardner, is that I don't learn. I still think [allegedly] that I am invulnerable to injury. And, who am I to argue with the wisdom of Solomon's wife? 


The news story which caught my eye today was about the sociopathically selfish fuckwits in Sydney. Who were holding a large and illegal party. Locals complained that these were young British backpackers. Their whining Pom accents clearly shrieking shrilly above the unsociably loud music. That was just the blokes.

The Sydney police, whose reputation for large fines. For even the most trivial breaches of lockdown rule for disadvantaged Ozzies, failed to fine or arrest a single person. Not even taking a name and address? Were the police terrified that they were British football supporters? Who might cause "a bit of a fuss?" 

Cattle prods not easily available? Tasers? Truncheons? Shoot them in the legs and leave them to make their own first aid arrangements? We are talking about a super-spreader event here and lives very likely to be lost. Call it slow, mass manslaughter. If you want to be really "picky." Then treat the perps as if it was an international headline, terrorist attack. Except that is is happening in slow motion. 

Use all the force you need. Just put them all in a rickety boat and shove them off into the Bondi breakers. Or, just send them to that island refugee camp. Which your racist and misogynistic <cough> leaders are so fond of.

  Covid: Sydney beach party sparks UK backpacker deportation threats - BBC News

There was yet another news story about Tzar Pootin The Truly Awful. It is claimed that the Russian, lifetime dictator is hiding the true number of dead [to Jinping Plague] for home propaganda consumption. The Russian statistics bureau, Rosstats, suggests at least three times as many dead under the leaden Soviet hand. Of the Teflon dictator and head of the chemical and cyber warfare departments. 

 The Statistics group suggest 186,000 excess deaths are due to the virus. Three times as many as the official Pootin mouthpieces. This story was on the Danish TV DR news channel and only in Danish. There is no direct link and the BBC has not [yet] covered it.



28 Dec 2020

28.12.2020 Sly "Plague" Jinping rewrites Wuhan history in coughed-up blood.


Monday 28th 38F, grey with rain but lighter winds. It started with spitting rain as I avoided the drunken, registered blind drivers who [somehow] hadn't seen me 200 yards ahead. A large bird of prey gave up trying to hold down a tall tree. The mink gulls scattered as is their wont. Then flew around aimlessly. Soon there was a constant patter of rain on my hood. Driven by an increasingly cold, south easterly.


Chinese mafia boss of bosses and the world's largest slave trader, Sly "Plague" Jinping has jailed Zhang Zhan. Why? For sharing the truth about Wuhan. Which is where Jinping, the evil megalomaniac, started his global, biological warfare attack.

His Grand Plan has worked beyond his wildest dreams. China is set to overtake the DSA as that deeply polarized land plunges ever deeper into social and economic chaos. All at the bloody hands of another, raving megalomaniac: Golden "Dunny" von Chump. [Immigrunt, tax and active service dodger.]

Chump offered America's White Trash riches beyond their wildest dreams. Instead of which he brought chaos, mass homelessness, mass evictions, murderous racism, soup kitchens, mass poverty, public execution and brutality by police without consequence, Big Pharma's highly profitable opiates and mass unemployment.

Chump now claims to be a native, Australian, Great, White House shark. As a get-out ploy for US tax evasion, gross dereliction of duty, genocide by inaction and treason. In his youth, Golden "Daddy's Boy" Chump preferred to be known as a Swedish tax evader, misogynist, mobster, poor loser, serial groper and property racketeer. That was before reinventing himself, yet again, as a serial, sociopathic, TV thug and serial groper. Why didn't they all see the writing on the White [Trash] House wall? Ignorance does as ignorance is.

The stone age misogynists in the desert oilfields have jailed a women who was active in obtaining Saudi women's "right" to drive. 

What did anybody expect? Real change? Seriously? Women are far too valuable as bartered, domestic slaves to be allowed their freedom by these hereditary sociopaths. Give a small-minded [fat] man a little power...

In breaking[-in] Danish news: The number of break-ins was halved compared with last year. The police believe the reduction was due to a requirement that all burglars wear approved masks and perform safe social distancing. 

Which confused the crooks completely. Because they only like to wear hoodies and didn't believe in the efficacy of surgical masks while dealing with their fences. There may also have been a very real fear of being caught, of course. What with so many people being forced to stay at home to hold large parties. 


27 Dec 2020

27.12.2020 NIghtmare on Pennsylvania Avenue.


Sunday 27th 39F, gusts to 22m/s or 50mph, with rain, forecast for most of the day. I was hoping for a walk but it was raining as well as blowing hard by the time it was light. The roaring gusts kept it up until the evening.

Criminally insane, "Golden Dunny" von Chump, racketeer landlord, qualification cheat, tax-free, German immigrant, evicts "America's great people" to make room for more, exclusive, golf courses.  The misery will continue until he is finally behind bars. Where he belongs.


26 Dec 2020

26.12.2020 Oh dear! Oh dear!


Saturday 26th 34F. Another long, grey day with light rain is forecast. It was a chilly 26F at bedtime, last night!

A serious question: If a YouTube advert was deliberately aimed at people with an IQ over 50 would it make the Guinness Book of Records? They say authors should write only about what they know. To avoid complete idiocy appearing in their storylines. Which might well suggest that nobody in the advertising industry has an IQ over 50. Makes sense?

Much the same could be said for writers [and directors] of Hollywood films. A lower level of complete ignorance, about the real world, would be almost impossible to find elsewhere. Which may explain why futuristic and science fiction stories are so popular. They no longer have to bother to come up with a reason for anything. It is left wide open to viewer speculation and special effects. Simply because the writers have nothing to offer which could possibly pass muster as remotely plausible in "the real world."

It helps the industry avoid such glaring clangers that only a drooling vegetable could possibly miss the point. Watching films is like travelling in hope and endlessly repenting at leisure. At this point you are supposed to have twigged that [yes] we have watched "Midnight Sky.

In two sittings of an hour each. [We are still only human and have an increasingly low, idiocy tolerance at our age.] This <cough> "glacial" film has more scientific, technological and everyday flaws than any random batch of 1950's "B-movies."  It had already defaulted to the Wally-wood, sole, superhuman explanation for the universe and everything, by the end of the titles.

Can the director and "star" of this mind-numbingly long bunch of self-congratulatory tat be blamed for all of it? Perhaps he is just a natural blond whom has overdosed on Grecian 2000? Note: Not a Hollywood blonde. [To safely avoid any suggestion of sexism.] The Head Gardener would certainly not approve of that! Blonde's, I mean.

My regular readers will have realised, by now, that I am still waiting for nature to take its course. To provide an outdoor, illumination level sufficient to avoid certain death by RTA. Given the statistical evidence of toxicity [drug and alcohol abuse] at this time of year [or any other] it would be suicidal to venture forth without a police escort. Flashing blue lights, sirens, etc. until after 9.00am. 

Beyond that fixed [winter solstice] hurdle it's every [rural] pedestrian for themselves. "Defensive walking" has always been a strict requirement to survive for another day. Will self-driving cars lead to another population explosion? I see a fleet of autonomous delivery vehicles has been foisted on our badly damaged world. 

Now there's no excuse [at all] to get any exercise for the US McLardy's, takeaway classes. "Drive thru" is so yesterday. Now it's all "drive to [you."] I suppose it's a step up from Bozo's whining drones. The middle classes can soon order organic pasta deliveries by stretched, autonomous vehicle.

It rained steadily, on myself alone, as I plodded to the lanes. The usual suspects, in the form of mink gulls, were dotted about on the roadside field. They had all sneaked away on my return. A few crows and redwings were practising "roundtoit" but soon left as I passed by. Hunched against the rain under my hood. Filling in as an extra for "last man standing," as usual. In this dystopian year of endless calamity but an otherwise excellent, postal service.

A solitary swan went over. Complaining bitterly about the injustice of winter weather. I knew its pain. It went into the standard descent pattern over the marsh pond but then finally aborted. Whereupon I lost it behind the trees. The traffic was quiet but noisy this morning. Am I having fun yet?  My defence for writing any of this nonsense? An excess of Christmas chocolate. Cast iron, I would have thought.


25 Dec 2020

25.12.2020 Christmas Cheer?


Friday 25th 28F A hard, white frost after a clear, moonlit night. My usual walk to the lanes in bright, low sunshine. Traffic light. A few gulls. Cloudless sky.

Brexit has been agreed and opinions vary widely. Buying stuff from the UK is going to get very expensive it seems. Add £17 for the Danish Post Office to clear customs then add 25% Danish VAT on top of literally everything. This is for anything costing over £8 in the UK. These charges will also be payable on GIFTS from family and friends!

All of this is going to make a lot of UK online dealers so ridiculously expensive that they might as well close down all sales to the EU. The paperwork costs alone will make UK online retail to the EU into a farce.

Ironically most of the goods they sell will be coming from China. An unfair proportion of it it produced by Sly's vast, private army of forced, slave labour. 

Amazon.DE will be laughing all the way to the bank. Amazon.UK might as well close down sales to the EU altogether. Familiar and favourite foods from the UK will rise in price in Danish shops and from online dealers. Well done Cheeky Charlie "Fromage!" The Wrexit ventriloquist's dummy. With Boris "The Clown" Johnston as the straight man in this tragi-comic duo.

Did I forget to wish everybody a Merry Christmas? Surely not?


24 Dec 2020

24.12.2020 Proritise health workers for the first vaccines!


Thursday 24th 38F, another grey day in prospect. Very misty as well as overcast. It will be almost nine, again. Before it is light enough for a safe walk along the verge between life and certain death.

The traffic was light at 9.00 but far heavier by half past. Though still patchy, the mist slowly cleared from 200 yards to 400 yards visibility.

Some health workers are questioning the wisdom of prioritising the vaccination of the elderly sick in old people's homes. They may well be vulnerable but are they actually the highest priority right now

With a very limited stock of vaccines and extreme time constraints, why offer protection to these existing "patients?" 

There is a desperate shortage of health workers. It is getting worse all the time. More are going sick or quarantining. The virus case load increases every single day. With hospitals transferring patients away from hot spots to avoid closing their doors. 

Does it make sense to hand out umbrellas to those most easily protected? By isolation in a closed home with a secure roof and a protective door? Rather than protecting those who must carry the umbrellas against the deluge for society as a whole? 

Having no doctors and no nurses left is the worst possible scenario. Sick, old people are the daily norm. Year round, year after year after year. Protect the brave who can still do most to help the majority in this unprecedented emergency. 

By protecting the front line workers you reduce the burden on society. You reduce the burden on the hospitals. And, you reduce the burden on the old people's homes. Simply because the health workers are no longer contagious. Or at such grave risk of infection and being lost to this most vital workforce.

The lifeboat is sinking. There are far too many, very unhealthy people onboard. Do you allow the elderly smoker to live at the majority's expense? To smoke another day and [perhaps] another?

What about the lifelong alcoholic? Must they be spared in this first wave? Or the drug addict? All of these people actively chose their unhealthy lifestyles. It did not just happen to them. As if by some freak accident. Every day is a personal choice to continue killing themselves. Albeit slowly and to the imminent danger to their families, colleagues, road users and to society as a whole.

Now what about the exhausted captain? Or his highly experienced mate and the tireless sailors. All of whom have done everything in their power to stay afloat for this long. The coast is in sight as the darkness is finally lifting. Even if the grave dangers of sinking are not yet over. Should we push them overboard to feed the fish? That all these others, far more "needy" might live?


23 Dec 2020

23.12.2020 Beware The Walking Ignorant.


Wednesday 23rd 36F, another grey, but dry day is promised. 8.15 8.30am and still too dark for a safe walk along the edge of the road. 

It was gone 9.00 before I staggered off into weak sunshine. I have been overdoing the weight lifting. My back and hips are complaining. 

I saw two birds of prey. Too distant to produce decent photos despite taking my long lens with me. You'll just have to make do with a less distant Rook. 

I was impressed by a neatly loaded, timber lorry which passed. [Image below] Presumably quality timber to be processed into furniture or veneer.

It seems that cowardly nutters on the Internet are publicly threatening Danish health workers who mention the vaccine. These cowards are threatening to expose private details about doctors and nurses online. So now a Danish doctor has sent an open letter to the Danish prime minister highlighting the problems health workers are facing. Some are even considering leaving the profession out of fear of physical attacks. 

This story has led to one person being arrested today. If or when they are tried, they could be fined or face a sentence up to two years.  Perhaps two years on a Covid ward is more appropriate? However unlikely. 

Yet another "entitled" official hypocrite has offered to resign after giving the public "expert advice" about social distancing and remaining at home during "the holidays." Then travelling to hold large, multi-generational, family parties in one of their residences. They get paid how much for giving this "expert" public advice?

The Danish government is sending out private notices using the excellent online service. To warn the public to be ready to receive an offer of a vaccine. Mostly in reverse age/vulnerability order. Being vaccinated is not compulsory in Denmark. How does one cope if a family member refuses to be vaccinated? Won't they remain vulnerable to infection when other family members return home from "a more normal life?"

Meanwhile, France is threatening to reject passengers on public transport who have refused to be vaccinated. France has a huge problem with cynicism about the vaccine[s].

New mutations are cropping up. As Britain tightens restrictions on public movement, two new cases imported from South Africa, have been quarantined. 

It is beginning to look like becoming a race between new and more infectious [or more dangerous] mutations and mass vaccination. There is a physical limit on how many vaccines can actually be produced. With months being mentioned in some news stories. Before enough doses can be manufactured for the masses. 

Meanwhile the news stories continue to accumulate about The Walking Ignorant. Businesses holding large Christmas parties. Idiots exercising in large numbers outside fitness centres. All are facing large fines.



22 Dec 2020

22.12.2020 One rule for the robots and another for genocidal Dunny von Chump?


Tuesday 22nd 45F, 8.00am, an overcast and misty start. I have been up for two hours scribbling notes on the computer. A walk to the lanes in steady drizzle. A noticeable lack of local birds this morning. Until I reached home and a pheasant burst out of the hedge and startled me.  

Nero von Chump is fiddling, as his demand for "Romanesque-style" government buildings burns. In the flames of his raving insanity and sickening corruption. 

Even his loyal ambulance chasers are falling on their swords. Rather than be taken in for interrogation. "I was only following orders," has worn far too thin as a useful defence for their crimes against humanity. 

Genocide is also the absence of action to protect the people. Or is it one rule for the robots and another for sociopathic prima-donnas? 

"A robot president may not injure a human being. Nor, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm."  The "slight cold and soon over" will soon reach 400,000 dead and still counting the days.



21 Dec 2020

21.12.2020 Let them eat cake! Idiocy is alive and well amongst heartless bosses.


 Nurses return their small, honey-flavoured cake with "thanks" for their Jinping Plague efforts.

Fik honningkager som tak - nu leverer sygeplejersker dem tilbage - TV 2 


Monday 21st 43F, another grey day but with a slight threat of sunshine later according to the professional seaweed fondlers. 7.30 and still well over an hour to dawn. It remained leaden overhead as I walked to the lanes. 

The headwind was a bit of a nuisance but not very cold. A few heavy lorries went past but there were very few cars. The only bird of prey was a small thing flying in high speed circles. For no apparent reason at all.

The news is full of woe and thrice woe about the UK mutation of Jinping Plague. Reports of Italy and other countries having already having identified cases of the new mutation. Can the knee-jerk lemmings be corralled before the vaccine is refused by the rest of the weakly rumour swayed? Queue here for your Darwin Awards. There will be a very long wait due to excessive demand.

Unemployment and infections soar to new heights in the DSA. As the smug, fat cats in charge of rescuing the desperately poor and newly homeless families, quibble over the exact details of the taxpayer's handout. It must be hell working on the gravy train!

Those who work and have worked on the front line in the Danish health service have received different rewards. Some nurses have agreed a bonus to be paid monthly. I suppose this will avoid the usual Danish habit of slapping extremely high taxes on any such payments. Just as they slapped high taxes on the nation's holiday money. Paid out prematurely to "stimulate the pandemic hit economy." Dugh? Say what? Dogh.

Guess what? The Danish Capital's front line nurses received a small, mass-produced, heart-shaped cake with "thanks" written on it. This, for working under extremely arduous conditions at great personal risk to themselves, their families, friends and their own, long term health. 

It must be remembered that there was little, if the any known treatment at the start of the Jinping Plague. There wasn't even enough protective wear for front line workers at times. Health workers were getting sick and they were dying.  

The capital's nurses are now collecting all the cakes together and taking them back to the heartless person [temporarily] in <cough> charge of the capital's nursing <cough> decision making. 

How long this particular, heartless, no doubt massively overpaid, numbskull remains in their "over-qualified" position is unknown. Perhaps they have a future career in massively overpaid, toilet cleaning? 

Like the "entitled" overpaid, multimillion-salaried boss of a household name, British retail company. Who sacked all the private cleaners at the start of the pandemic. Then told the counter staff to clean all of the firm's toilets. 

For those who question the cost of such a "generous" gift to the nurses? £1.70 per nurse. Oh, and new work rosters were posted along with the [heart shaped] message of "thanks."



20 Dec 2020

20.12.2020 Lemmings spread new mutation of Jinping Plague in UK.


Sunday 20th 41F, back to another grey day. Though with brighter bits in between. Even a glimpse of a shrouded sun. A line of geese came over the brow and demanded a few snaps. 

Later, a bird of prey was on the ground near the road. Though not for long. It retreated to a tree on the other side of the field. Just out of reach of my camera. The hunters arrived but there were more dog barks than shots.

How do you limit the spread of the new mutation of Jinping Plague within the UK and on to the rest of the world? 

1) Don't tell the lemmings about it! Don't [ever] let them come back in when [not if] they leave the virus hotspot. On pain of life imprisonment without parole.
2) Tether "entitled" MPs, Ministers and the wealthy to their homes. Don't ever let them come back in when [not if] they leave the hotspot. On pain of life imprisonment without parole.


19 Dec 2020

19.12.2020 Strange bright thing in the sky?


Saturday 19th 39F, a few stars just visible overnight. It looks as if it might clear to real sunshine today. 

10.15 Morning coffee is over. Only now is it brightening up slightly. Though I was treated to sunrise as I started my walk at 9.am. There is one point in the landscape where there is a clear view to the horizon. 

So I was standing there, snapping away as it rose in a narrow gap below the clouds. Well, you have to, don't you? 56 times? Suit yourselves.

A few, persistent vapour trails today in the gaps between the clouds and low mist. Spotted one bird of prey and two joggers. 

An afternoon outing in the car had me spotting at least another half dozen birds of prey. Many were resting in the roadside trees to save energy during thin times at nature's takeaway.



18 Dec 2020

18.12.2020 Grey, with extra grey and grey on the side.


Friday 18th 44F, dark grey overcast but not raining yet. Time for a walk before I get myself into any more trouble. Up to the woods under leaden skies, A thin wind was carrying the distant traffic noise to my one good ear. Lots of small birds flitting about in the roadside hedgerows. It's all very small beer in these parts.

The farmer had been landscaping the steep track up to the forest portal. The round hole in the overhanging trees is always enchanting. Water running off the hill, to one side of the track, was constantly cutting away at the demolition rubble. Which they had repeatedly dumped on the track over the years. Mostly crushed and broken house bricks. The slope has now been eased and a ditch cut to drain away the steady flow.

The rest of the morning was spent moving rocks. Followed by more heavy exercise in the afternoon. As I shovelled wet and heavy gravel into a barrow for an hour and tipped it elsewhere. Still half a trailer full left to do but it as too dark to see properly by 4.30pm. My back is aching. Am I having fun yet?



17 Dec 2020

17.12.2020 Beware the iMidas touch of iDictatorship.


Thursday 17th 44F, grey and raining all day. The rain was on and off. The grey continuous. Second warmest year and winter. With the least snow cover ever recorded for Denmark. Meanwhile the devil dumps two feet of snow on the Devil's Own Country. The gap toothed rednecks will be blaming Biden for years to come. "Y'all remember <spit> when Biden caused that snow chaos in 2020?"

Will they recognise Fat Boy Chump in their clumsy snowmen? It seems the Wrong sort of Right  have adopted LGBT+ kilts as a sign of group recognition. [Along with the ugly tattoos.] The manufacturers hurriedly removed the kilts from sale. Which was a foolish mistake. They need only have taken the XXXXL stock off the racks to end the embarrassment.

Moving on: It is not known whether slaves were actively involved in the Chinese collection and return of the first moon material in 44 years. Doesn't that mean that China is still 150 years behind the USA? 

Meanwhile, proud, Sly "Plague" Jinping's China is buried deep in plastic waste, landfill and smog. Chinese boozers are turning to making home made wine. So it seems that lifetime despot, Sly "Plague" Jinping, couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery. Though the latest headline suggests he can organise his slaves to make medical equipment and clothing. Which, because of their communist mafia connections, can never be traced back to the slave camps and factories they run. 

Will the communist party  members ever find themselves in the dock? When their countless victims are finally allowed their day in court? Or, will they, like the Nazis, which they copy so faithfully, eradicate the threat in the gas chambers? Or as forced guinea pigs for Sly's henchmen to practice their germ warfare?

Googlevile continues to attract the attention of legislators. As yet another iDictatorship makes life miserable for everybody in the name of festering, unfettered greed. The iMidas touch only benefits gold diggers and parasites. 

Oh, and the same Googleslime which foisted Android OS onto TVs. So that they could corrupt them with their endless spam. I paid for my TV but Googlevile owns it. I pay my license fee but Googlevile pays no taxes on the adverts with which it floods my TV and browsing days and nights. I pay a monthly fee for my internet connection but Googlevile owns its bandwidth and takes the tax-free profits. While it floods my every waking moment with its peurile crap targeted at very close range at [only] the mentally retarded.

Talking of parasites: No doubt their vast teams of ambulance chasers will be eyeing their next stately home upgrade. With matching, supersportscars for the entire, <cough> extended family. As they try to delay long overdue control of the hideously toxic, iAdvertising plague and its merry band of tax-free, billionaire, iDespots. All floating, like the evil scum they truly are. On top of the stinking, iAdvertising sewer they created.



16 Dec 2020

16.12.2020 The gloom continues.


Wednesday 16th 44F, another grey day. 1000 yard mist. A gentle SE breeze from the SE. 

No ill effects from yesterday's, solo, weight lifting competition. I must have a walk today. It always helps to iron out the wrinkles. Both physical and mental. It forgot to get light again this morning so I waited until 8.30 before I walked to the lanes.

I still took to the verge with the approach of any vehicle. Well, I didn't want to disturb any driver's sleep, did I? Distant mist was softening the landscape. The sky looked as if it was finally weakening its hold. To provide some muddy, brown clouds in place of real sunshine.

It became quite sunny just before 13.00! More weight lifting in the afternoon as I unloaded the trailer full of concrete blocks. The Head Gardener suggested that we might need the trailer in an emergency and who am I to argue with such an authority? 

Talking of which: The Danish government has tightened restrictions to try and break the steep rise in infections. Only supermarkets and chemists will be open from tomorrow.


15 Dec 2020

15.12.2020 It's official!


Tuesday 15th 43F, misty, heavy overcast, breezy and raining. No walk.

Joe Biden really has defeated the crooked, retarded [immigrant] Despot. It's [finally] official. How do all those Republican old farts face their child brides in their over-the-bed mirrors?

Sly "Plague" Jinping [germ warfare chief] is the slave master of countless millions of very real [human] slaves. It's official. Most of their forced work goes to "designer" labels. Who would have guessed?

Pootin [chemical warfare chief] tries to kill his detractors using government security service employees. It's official.

St. Margrethe Vestager has EU plans to curb the iDespots infinite power and infinite wealth. It's official.

Cheeky Charlie, "Fromage," the attention seeking, ventriloquist dummy, should be tried for treason. 

Climate denialist Australia is being battered by Big Climate Change [again!] It's official. Fire, water, coral bleaching and now... no more tourism? Get your free bags of skin cancer here.

I was ill again last night. Believe me, it wasn't nice! [Nor yet diagnosed.]

This afternoon I had some exercise. I had to lift 12 concrete blocks. Weighing 35kg [77lbs] each. Off a low pallet and up into the trailer. Don't ask me why.


14 Dec 2020

14.12.2020 NO! I did not break Google!


Monday 14th 40F, heavily overcast with rain promised. The wind has changed to the south. No ill effects from yesterday's shovelling and wheelbarrow tipping. There was a nasty, cold wind as I walked to the lanes. Yet again I was grateful for my hood. Saw a female Kestrel and a Red kite.

There are conflicting reports over the White House staff standing first in line for the Jinping Plague vaccine. Including Adolf "It's no worse than flu and it's not my fault 300,000 losers are dead." 

Now some advertising industry newspoopers suggest Chump may have intervened. In a last, desperate attempt at extending his public execution tally. To be well beyond the reach of any future fascist or communist despot. Meanwhile his fascist thugs are wandering the streets looking for trouble. Whatever. It's the DSA! Get over it.


13 Dec 2020

13.12.2020 Cavemen by any other name?


Sunday 13th 37F, heavy overcast again. Though with the threat of sunny periods from both forecasters. I'll believe it when I see it! A shambling walk to the lanes. Two birds of prey moved from the ground to nearby trees. The gulls did their usual thing and retreated. 

I exercised in the afternoon by shovelling a trailer load of sand and gravel into wheelbarrows. Then trundling them to where they wanted to be tipped. 

It sounds as if the white trash. Hiding in a US advertising industry, cavemen's newsroom, lavatory cubicle. Is setting up for a civil war against educated women. I don't know how he can preen himself in the lavatory mirror in his habitual, designer caveman's outfit. I wonder if he was related to the other lavatory caveman of the same name? I'd suggest their mothers would be proud... if only they had one, to rub together, between them.


12 Dec 2020

12.12.2020 Divided States of America came 57th!


Saturday 12th 36F, the heavy overcast continues. I can see the trees rocking in the wind again. There was only a light breeze as I plodded to the lanes. Nothing much to report. Apart from being closely brushed by a people carrier speeding past a cyclist on the other side of the road.

Denmark, The UK and Sweden are in the top three of 57 countries nearest to matching their Paris Agreement climate change promises to improve. Immigrant, Adolf "Retardus" von Chump's DSA came last out of all 57. None were listed in the first three because they all fell well behind their promises. Green technologies promise countless new jobs in a new renaissance if fully implemented. 

Toyota promises an all electric car with a rapid charging, solid state battery, next year. While Citroen's Ami is an unusually small, electric car aimed directly at city dwellers. The two seater has a top speed of 30mph and limited range to keeps costs down. The interiors are spartan and the seating described as firm. The EV still lacks affordable contenders for the traditionally, secondhand car, buyer's market.


11 Dec 2020

11.12.2020 Constant grey skies setting a new weather record.


Friday 11th 34F, dark grey overcast. Again! The last time it was this bad was back in 1959 and they still had 8 hours of sunshine in total for December. Waddawewant? Our SUN! When do we want it? NOW!!!

9.00 A flurry of snow quickly turned to rain. Neither was forecast. Time for a walk. It kept up the wind blown, fine rain all the way there and back. I was grateful for my hood but would prefer a little more chin room. The mink gulls did their thing and quickly retreated in random directions. They have this survival lark down to a fine art.

There is a roaring trade[sic] in pig's diarrhoea. With vast tanker lorries racing between factory farms and needy farmers. I crossed the road several times to avoid their horrendous, tyre spray and acrid stench. The Jinping Plague has left wider gaps in the traffic. Allowing me greater freedom for my daily perambulations. Provided I keep a wary eye [and ear] out.

A couple of maniacs were having a race in their cars. They passed me at high speed. Engines screaming and their cars straddling the entire width of the road. As they approached a completely blind hump. With double white lines, for miles, in both directions, prohibiting overtaking. The Danish government has just raised the penalties for "insane driving."

I have finally trimmed my beard. I was getting tired of seeing Robinson Crusoe whenever I glanced [guiltily] in the bathroom mirror. Though Tom Hanks never quite achieved my "badger" look of hirsute adornment. In his own, relatively short bout, of self-isolation.


10 Dec 2020

10.12.2020 Advertising Newspoopers Create Darwin Award Winners!


Thursday 10th 38F, more overcast and mist. A trip to the doctor later for my blood test results. My BP has steadied at a lower level. Not sure whether the daily cycling is helping. Still have a headache and underlying dizziness. Continuous pulsating tinnitus. All clear on the blood tests. The BP is a little elevated by a few high numbers but it seems I will survive.

The sociopathic "also rans" amongst the Danish politicooze are still hoping to gain a few votes next time around. By continuing to criticize the Danish prime minister for culling the MUTATED JINPING PLAGUE INFECTED mink. Thousands of real people are now infected with the mutated virus. Real people have zero value to the politicooze once their vote is cast. Mere cannon fodder to their career ambitions.

What if the mink mutated virus had been far more lethal than the non-mutated virus? What then? Then these losers would auto-criticise the prime minister for her "inaction" in a crisis?  There are real leaders and there are also-rans. Choose only one. I bet there's an iPhone app to be an also-ran politicooze. Guess what? The loser's electorate are factory pig farmers and factory mink farmers.

Okay, I readily admit it: I am highly prejudiced against anyone who refuses to wear a mask or vaccinate. Simply because they are brain dead or not in a vulnerable age group, or both. I look at the anti-mask protesters and all I see is drooling Chumps, gap-toothed rednecks and white, trailer trash. Darwin Award winners every, last one of them.

Anti-vaxxers will NOT inherit the earth. Nor anything else for that matter. Queue here for your Darwin Awards. Fall in line behind the Dodos. There will be a slight delay before the mass burials. So at least your patience will be rewarded in that sense. After all, it's not as if you were doing anything useful with your lives anyway.

Online Newspaper Click Bait: Two hyper-allergic persons, out of tens of thousands test vaccinated, have reacted mildly to the UK vaccine and recovered after treatment for their allergy. These same two, out of tens of thousands, carry adrenaline jabs with them all of the time in case of anaphylactic shock. 

Yet, these same two [out of tens of thousands tested] made GLOBAL HEADLINES because "PEOPLE WERE ALLERGIC TO THE UK VACCINE." Aka: What complete and utter, lying through their teeth, load of bølløcks!

Be very careful who you trust with your fake news sources! Lies, damned lies and online advertising newspoopers. 

Bozo's Amazon and Googlevile have both been fined pocket change for illegal setting of advertising cookies on people's computers without prior permission. 

Somebody should look at the Googlevile cookies notification which offers NO ALTERNATIVE TO YES to ALL COOKIES. Most businesses and websites now offer an alternative to deny all cookies except those vital to the website working properly. Googlevile offers no such alternative. Some online newspooper websites [Listed on Googlevile News] will not allow the contents to be read if you deny all but vital cookies. That is fair. We can just hit the back button or close the tab. The story was obviously something plagiarised from another newspooper.

Sociopathic Googlevile's YouTube has become all but unwatchable recently. With TWO video adverts aimed directly at the educationally challenged. [A.k.a: drooling retards in non-PC terms] between EVERY showing of a normal video on our Android TV. 

So, we now just hit the back button when adverts appear. We will not watch ANY normal YT video, regardless of content, which has advertising BEFORE. Or INTERRUPTING the real video without our permission. Which is never requested anyway.

We had to put up with decades of TV adverts aimed directly at drooling retards [A.k.a The educationally challenged] back in the UK. Since we no longer have to put up with this endless [and mindless] drivel, we have absolutely no desire to repeat the exercise online. 

Nothing unique, or of any intrinsic value, ever needs to be advertised. Word of mouth will soon make any unique or interesting product global, public knowledge. 

Advertising is the major cause of global warming. Either directly or indirectly. These E-advertising hosts [mega data centres] use a very large fraction of Denmark's entire energy production EACH. Fuelling global greed for ephemeral crap keeps Sly "Plague" Jinping and many other sociopaths in office.




9 Dec 2020

9.12.2020 My swansong?


Wednesday 9th 38F. The overcast and mistiness continues. While my blood pressure see-saws wildly.

A walk to the lanes. Where a single bird of prey moved from the ground to a field hedge. Out on the prairie a pair of Whooper swans with a juvenile were resting. Another dead rat was squashed on the road. With a young cat lying further on. Both lost to speeding traffic.

Meanwhile, the US Banana Republic continues to be run by a corrupt despot. To the amusement of the entire rest of the world. 

A US company, backed by Bill Gates, has developed a new, Lithium-ion battery. 80% charge in 15 minutes with a 1/4 million miles lifetime range. Competition for Tesla's battery development?

A "game changer" for electric vehicles it is claimed. Provided, of course, a sustainable supply of lithium can be found. Lithium mining is hideously wasteful of water. With the potential for local drought and loss of drinking water where corruption is the norm.

Another late afternoon ride for about five miles. The heavy overcast is making it dark very early. 15:45 is as late as one would dare to ride without lights.


8 Dec 2020

8.12.2020 A jab a day keeps the Jinping Plague away.


Tuesday 8th 40F, very heavy overcast. 8.00am and still far too dark to see if the trees are moving. I was up early and checked my BP before enjoying my daily, cold porridge and coffee. 170/90 was followed by 148/93 after five minutes of relaxation. I still have a dull headache. 

A rather plodding walk to the lanes. Not much spring in my step today. Saw two small deer and three, medium large, birds of prey. The latter were brown and speckled above with darker, long brown tails and cream undersides.

The UK is beginning the long and difficult task of vaccinating everybody against the Jinping Plague. Starting with the oldest farts and working on downwards. The vaccine has to be held below -70C. Which makes it an unlikely contender for 3rd world immunisation. So the US will just have to wait. 

An afternoon ride for 45 minutes to get some exercise.


7 Dec 2020

7.12.2020 Jinping earns trillions as Rest of the World fights over Darwin Awards.


Monday 7th 43F. Another grey day in prospect. No walk today. 

An early visit to the doctor to sort out my chronic dizziness. High blood pressure being the main emphasis. Initially my blood pressure was testing high but eventually began to fall. I was practising relaxation breathing on the spot. 

Later testing, at home, proved that my readings were falling to far more sensible levels. Provided, of course, that I rested and applied relaxation techniques for a few minutes beforehand. Meanwhile my underlying dizziness and headaches continue unchanged. Blood tests were also taken with a return visit for the results in a few days.

Denmark's daily infection rate has doubled from a formerly stable level and is now doubling again. So new restrictions have had to be introduced, from Wednesday, in selected, local government areas. 

Our volunteer's shopping list was not taken up for the very first time today. We have been slowly increasing the quantities to catch up with a serious lack of stock on previous orders. 

Guess what? The small sums the personal shoppers are paid for their voluntary work is taxable! The tax office gives away countless billions, completely unchecked, to any slimy crook in the entire world who can manage to fill out the mass printed, VAT repayment form. 

But a voluntary, supermarket shopper, providing a vital, lifeline service for the elderly and vulnerable has to report all such earnings? I wonder if they can claim for their petrol expenses against their meagre "earnings?" Only in Denmark!  How much does each elderly person cost as they die slowly in an intensive care bed after shopping for themselves? They count the pennies and burn billions on huge bonfires. Only in Denmark!

Another online supermarket service had such poor stock levels that it was simply not worth placing an order this time. They use a selected town supermarket, a short distance away. Which has always had a very poor range of Coop, standard goods and NONE of the heavily advertised, special offer items. So, it looks as if I shall be physically shopping, from now on. Despite being in the second highest, vulnerable age group.

Sly Jinping's release of the targetted plague has had precisely the desired and fully expected results. You didn't need AI to see that his crooked, fascist cronies could easily clamp down hard and control the Chinese infection levels. China is now setting new records in exports as the Rest of the World trains hard for the next Darwin Awards. Though how long the Chinese will have paying customers for their goods is open to question. As many countries struggle to contain second and third waves. 

Meanwhile, US war hero, Adolf  "Fuckwit" Von Chump's, heavily armed, white trash is heading for an asymmetric civil war. Exactly as I predicted some time ago. Their problem is being handicapped by learned cynicism about the "harmless" virus. So they will be falling like flies unless they accept the "enemy's" vaccine.



6 Dec 2020

6.12.2020 Jinping Plague negative test result.


Sunday 6th 38F, very dark overcast and a bit misty. Breezy too, from a northerly direction. A walk to the lanes to tease the mink gulls. A solitary cormorant went over, like a stealth wotsit, flying straight into the wind.

A sneak look at the Jinping Plague, test results website showed me as being negative. Assuming, of course, that my visit to the testing station in the city did not cause any problems.

In other, Danish headline news, they ran a 50 meter long windmill wing onto the verge. Causing some local traffic problems. 

These wings are so long, strong and heavy that they use them as the structural body of a very long trailer. With only a steerable trailer unit mounted at the tip, far behind the tractor unit. It is the only way to negotiate such loads on the normal roads and motorways. No doubt pre-arranged routes are usually adhered to. The problems involved at junctions are easily seen in this image borrowed from DR.[Dansk/Danish Radio.]

This YT video shows the transport problems of 65m long wings rather nicely: I won't show the video as embedded. Because Googevile-YouTube may post porn or spam adverts in the blog's image box.  



5 Dec 2020

5.12.2020 Say: "Aaaah"


Saturday 5th 38F Overcast with a cold wind. No morning walk. A bit of a weak and wobbly start to the day. 

Compulsory Covid [Jinping Plague] test in the city at 11.00. Will I become dizzy miles from home? It is a bit of a worry in my seemingly vulnerable state. I arrived there early and hovered out of the way nearby. Just watching progress and checking for paparazzi. Before parking in the official area and queuing inside in the short, red queue. There were only five or six "walking dead" in front of me. With the leader having a coughing fit all over the poor staff member. Oh, deep joy! Fortunately they were facing away from me. But you never know. I snuggled down behind my flimsy mask and grumbled inwardly.

It was all over in about ten minutes. After they were finally able to find me on their computer. A long cotton swab was inserted deep into my mouth by a pleasant but efficient, silver-haired lady in protective safety wear. There was only slight discomfort as the swab was rubbed around my throat but nothing to write home about. 

The befouled pin was dropped into a tubular, freshly labelled vial and then they pointed me at the exit. Job done. Dismissed! I desperately wanted to say that I had come all this way. And wasn't there a free lollipop for being brave?

I should have my results tomorrow [online] in time for the doctor's appointment on Monday. Should I cheat and check later? Hmm.. That would mean two sleepless nights. Mind you, I might have two sleepless nights, not knowing. Eeny, meany...

Despite deepening gloom I went for a fairly brisk walk to the lanes in the late afternoon. The cold headwind, at my usual exit, rapidly depleted my enthusiasm and I returned the way I had come. Dodging drivers with my well-honed skills for picking up deer bugs on the verge. 

I paused to talk to the neighbour's guard dog. Though but it soon became bored and burst into a barking fit. I had only just admitted that, no, I did not have a pocket full of his/her favourite treats. So I could feel some sympathy with its point of view. It is such a handsome creature that I could well see myself walking the damned thing every morning. If only to gain some neighbourhood stature. Well, every little counts when you are a "Johnny foreigner."

I really do need to fix the hood arrangements on my heavy, winter, walking jacket. It has a secondary wind flap which is meant to lie behind the poppered, throat flaps. This is obviously intended for those really adverse conditions in the Scottish Highlands. Where life and limb are always dependent one's blood-alcohol levels. However, it makes swift neck closure almost impossible to manage. Not without several YouTube instructional videos. A decent mirror in good, preferably overcast, daylight. Latent enthusiasm and lots of practice. I do not exaggerate. 



4 Dec 2020

4th December 2020 Testing times.


Friday 4th 34F Rumours of my demise were [temporary] exaggerations. [A.k.a. Fake News] I am still dizzy but can't get a doctor's appointment for nearly four weeks. Better wring[sic] the surgery for advice.

Well, now I am being fast-tracked to a Monday appointment with the doctor. In the meantime I am expected to have a Coronavirus test first as potentially walking infected. At least that is my diagnosis as a result of being sent into the "walking dead" RED corridor at the test centre in the city. Some 20 miles away. 

I have been unwell and visiting the surgery would obviously increase the risk of my carrying the infection there. My status may also have been [potentially] downgraded from Menier's to a [mere and treatable] high blood pressure patient.

I was told ten years ago that my life would be shortened if I didn't start taking a daily dose of zombie medicine. Rather than accept a full-on, zombie lifestyle, I took up  OCD cycling instead. The rest is history except there wasn't much rest involved.

With cabin fever [boredom] rapidly setting in, I risked a walk to the lanes. Though I was a bit wobbly, at first, I improved to a septuagenariatric, brisk walk. It was cold and windy but I managed it in 40 minutes with no stops for photography today. A female Kestrel was hovering over a neighbour's rough patch.


3 Dec 2020

3.12.2020 Blindly ignorant.


Thursday 3rd 35F. Dark grey. A slow improvement but the dizziness has not gone completely away. Moving or turning suddenly soon reminds me of my underlying vulnerability. I may be strong enough to type a symptom list to the doctor today. The problem is that using the computer seems to be triggering the dizziness. Though I have turned the screen brightness down to see if this helps. I have spent countless hours on the computer recently and am now paying the toll.

Various strengths of cheap reading glasses from the supermarket have been fine for close work for many years. Never any discomfort. My distance vision is fine now after rapidly adapting to cycling. After decades of close work and weak, prescription glasses I no longer need them beyond a few feet. For decades the moon looked double even with the prescription glasses. Driving at night was very hard work. With many oncoming headlights dazzling me.

Perhaps my vision has changed recently but it isn't very noticeable. The risk of a lengthy eye test in the middle of a pandemic is certainly off-putting. I just hope the doctor can diagnose and treat me remotely. I haven't been self isolating, at home, for 10 months to undo it it all now.


2 Dec 2020

2nd December. Not a happy bunny!



Wednesday 2nd December, 38F, heavy overcast.  Yesterday was cancelled. I was having a 30 hour dizziness spell. It started suddenly as I was typing. My head started spinning and kept it up for 30 hours. Constant nausea. Nothing to eat. Sipping only a tiny drop of water at intervals. Splitting headache one moment. Lighter at other times. 

Roaring tinnitus in one ear. Freezing to shivering regardless of how many down garments I put on. Or was covered with, by The Head Nurse. I slept on and off when I could. Lying down was harder because the room spun even with eyes closed. If I turned, I felt as if I would throw up. Finally, I sipped a little ground rice for the first food in 32 hours.

I was up at six this  morning and still weak and wobbly. I had a little muesli then went giddy as soon as I looked at the computer screen. The muesli stayed down as I sat in the armchair all bundled up in down again. I enjoyed elevenses of coffee and rolls and that stayed down. I seem to have every symptom of Menier's Disease. Coming only a week after the last bout I am not a happy bunny.
