7 Dec 2020

7.12.2020 Jinping earns trillions as Rest of the World fights over Darwin Awards.


Monday 7th 43F. Another grey day in prospect. No walk today. 

An early visit to the doctor to sort out my chronic dizziness. High blood pressure being the main emphasis. Initially my blood pressure was testing high but eventually began to fall. I was practising relaxation breathing on the spot. 

Later testing, at home, proved that my readings were falling to far more sensible levels. Provided, of course, that I rested and applied relaxation techniques for a few minutes beforehand. Meanwhile my underlying dizziness and headaches continue unchanged. Blood tests were also taken with a return visit for the results in a few days.

Denmark's daily infection rate has doubled from a formerly stable level and is now doubling again. So new restrictions have had to be introduced, from Wednesday, in selected, local government areas. 

Our volunteer's shopping list was not taken up for the very first time today. We have been slowly increasing the quantities to catch up with a serious lack of stock on previous orders. 

Guess what? The small sums the personal shoppers are paid for their voluntary work is taxable! The tax office gives away countless billions, completely unchecked, to any slimy crook in the entire world who can manage to fill out the mass printed, VAT repayment form. 

But a voluntary, supermarket shopper, providing a vital, lifeline service for the elderly and vulnerable has to report all such earnings? I wonder if they can claim for their petrol expenses against their meagre "earnings?" Only in Denmark!  How much does each elderly person cost as they die slowly in an intensive care bed after shopping for themselves? They count the pennies and burn billions on huge bonfires. Only in Denmark!

Another online supermarket service had such poor stock levels that it was simply not worth placing an order this time. They use a selected town supermarket, a short distance away. Which has always had a very poor range of Coop, standard goods and NONE of the heavily advertised, special offer items. So, it looks as if I shall be physically shopping, from now on. Despite being in the second highest, vulnerable age group.

Sly Jinping's release of the targetted plague has had precisely the desired and fully expected results. You didn't need AI to see that his crooked, fascist cronies could easily clamp down hard and control the Chinese infection levels. China is now setting new records in exports as the Rest of the World trains hard for the next Darwin Awards. Though how long the Chinese will have paying customers for their goods is open to question. As many countries struggle to contain second and third waves. 

Meanwhile, US war hero, Adolf  "Fuckwit" Von Chump's, heavily armed, white trash is heading for an asymmetric civil war. Exactly as I predicted some time ago. Their problem is being handicapped by learned cynicism about the "harmless" virus. So they will be falling like flies unless they accept the "enemy's" vaccine.



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