29 Dec 2020

29.12.2020 Spot the fuckwits?


Tuesday 29th 33F, overcast with light snow falling earlier. Another dizzy morning. So I had to leave the computer and rest in an armchair. I fell asleep for over an hour. Now I'm back and feeling a bit better. It is too late to go for a walk now until after morning coffee.

I left much later than usual into gentle, but damp, falling snow. This soon petered out and it was possible to see a clear white disk of the sun behind the clouds at times. The traffic was intermittent but the majority completely ignored my need to stay dry from their tyre spray. 

My back is slowly improving after the massive boulder shifting, gravel shovelling and wheel barrowing. Not to mention loading and unloading all those 35kg concrete blocks. Then there was moving and setting up ladders, carrying buckets of water, etc. The problem, according to The Head Gardner, is that I don't learn. I still think [allegedly] that I am invulnerable to injury. And, who am I to argue with the wisdom of Solomon's wife? 


The news story which caught my eye today was about the sociopathically selfish fuckwits in Sydney. Who were holding a large and illegal party. Locals complained that these were young British backpackers. Their whining Pom accents clearly shrieking shrilly above the unsociably loud music. That was just the blokes.

The Sydney police, whose reputation for large fines. For even the most trivial breaches of lockdown rule for disadvantaged Ozzies, failed to fine or arrest a single person. Not even taking a name and address? Were the police terrified that they were British football supporters? Who might cause "a bit of a fuss?" 

Cattle prods not easily available? Tasers? Truncheons? Shoot them in the legs and leave them to make their own first aid arrangements? We are talking about a super-spreader event here and lives very likely to be lost. Call it slow, mass manslaughter. If you want to be really "picky." Then treat the perps as if it was an international headline, terrorist attack. Except that is is happening in slow motion. 

Use all the force you need. Just put them all in a rickety boat and shove them off into the Bondi breakers. Or, just send them to that island refugee camp. Which your racist and misogynistic <cough> leaders are so fond of.

  Covid: Sydney beach party sparks UK backpacker deportation threats - BBC News

There was yet another news story about Tzar Pootin The Truly Awful. It is claimed that the Russian, lifetime dictator is hiding the true number of dead [to Jinping Plague] for home propaganda consumption. The Russian statistics bureau, Rosstats, suggests at least three times as many dead under the leaden Soviet hand. Of the Teflon dictator and head of the chemical and cyber warfare departments. 

 The Statistics group suggest 186,000 excess deaths are due to the virus. Three times as many as the official Pootin mouthpieces. This story was on the Danish TV DR news channel and only in Danish. There is no direct link and the BBC has not [yet] covered it.



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