28 Dec 2020

28.12.2020 Sly "Plague" Jinping rewrites Wuhan history in coughed-up blood.


Monday 28th 38F, grey with rain but lighter winds. It started with spitting rain as I avoided the drunken, registered blind drivers who [somehow] hadn't seen me 200 yards ahead. A large bird of prey gave up trying to hold down a tall tree. The mink gulls scattered as is their wont. Then flew around aimlessly. Soon there was a constant patter of rain on my hood. Driven by an increasingly cold, south easterly.


Chinese mafia boss of bosses and the world's largest slave trader, Sly "Plague" Jinping has jailed Zhang Zhan. Why? For sharing the truth about Wuhan. Which is where Jinping, the evil megalomaniac, started his global, biological warfare attack.

His Grand Plan has worked beyond his wildest dreams. China is set to overtake the DSA as that deeply polarized land plunges ever deeper into social and economic chaos. All at the bloody hands of another, raving megalomaniac: Golden "Dunny" von Chump. [Immigrunt, tax and active service dodger.]

Chump offered America's White Trash riches beyond their wildest dreams. Instead of which he brought chaos, mass homelessness, mass evictions, murderous racism, soup kitchens, mass poverty, public execution and brutality by police without consequence, Big Pharma's highly profitable opiates and mass unemployment.

Chump now claims to be a native, Australian, Great, White House shark. As a get-out ploy for US tax evasion, gross dereliction of duty, genocide by inaction and treason. In his youth, Golden "Daddy's Boy" Chump preferred to be known as a Swedish tax evader, misogynist, mobster, poor loser, serial groper and property racketeer. That was before reinventing himself, yet again, as a serial, sociopathic, TV thug and serial groper. Why didn't they all see the writing on the White [Trash] House wall? Ignorance does as ignorance is.

The stone age misogynists in the desert oilfields have jailed a women who was active in obtaining Saudi women's "right" to drive. 

What did anybody expect? Real change? Seriously? Women are far too valuable as bartered, domestic slaves to be allowed their freedom by these hereditary sociopaths. Give a small-minded [fat] man a little power...

In breaking[-in] Danish news: The number of break-ins was halved compared with last year. The police believe the reduction was due to a requirement that all burglars wear approved masks and perform safe social distancing. 

Which confused the crooks completely. Because they only like to wear hoodies and didn't believe in the efficacy of surgical masks while dealing with their fences. There may also have been a very real fear of being caught, of course. What with so many people being forced to stay at home to hold large parties. 


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