13 Dec 2020

13.12.2020 Cavemen by any other name?


Sunday 13th 37F, heavy overcast again. Though with the threat of sunny periods from both forecasters. I'll believe it when I see it! A shambling walk to the lanes. Two birds of prey moved from the ground to nearby trees. The gulls did their usual thing and retreated. 

I exercised in the afternoon by shovelling a trailer load of sand and gravel into wheelbarrows. Then trundling them to where they wanted to be tipped. 

It sounds as if the white trash. Hiding in a US advertising industry, cavemen's newsroom, lavatory cubicle. Is setting up for a civil war against educated women. I don't know how he can preen himself in the lavatory mirror in his habitual, designer caveman's outfit. I wonder if he was related to the other lavatory caveman of the same name? I'd suggest their mothers would be proud... if only they had one, to rub together, between them.


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