13 Aug 2023

13.08.2023 Thirty Yellow Jerseys?


Sunday 13th 15C/60F. Rather dark overcast and quite breezy. A mostly dry day with a SW breeze. Up at 6.30 after another restless night with long, weird dreams. 

 Grubbe Mølle. Grubbe Mill. Near Fåborg. A historic water mill and Dutch style windmill on one site. Both are fully functional. Conducted tours cost 50kr. About £5 equivalent. There is a very atmospheric yard with old buildings and the mill pond. Lying on a curved, tree lined lane off the main road from Millinge. The lane continues on to Horne. Where the main road leads to the Bøjden Ferry terminal to Germany.

8.15  It is brightening up with blue patches now. I need a suitable goal[s] for a ride. There are four, Sunday flea markets I haven't visited before. All in the same, SE direction, down towards the sea. I need to do more grocery shopping. So that can be easily managed where appropriate. During what should be a pleasant ride in beautiful countryside.

9.00 Morning coffee. The e-bike is fully loaded and prepared. 

1.45 20C/68F. Returned from an 82km ride. [~50miles] Loads of effortless hills were climbed or swooped down. Spinning at up to 110rpm. Visited half a dozen flea markets. Quite a lot of sunshine between the clouds. I detoured to a supermarket but they were closed for stocktaking! Weird!

The GPS tracking shows I rode two, long, snaking routes, almost parallel, but with three crossings. A thoroughly enjoyable ride. I saw lots of cyclists. Including a whole peloton of around thirty, club riders. All in yellow, enjoying the climbs around Håstrup.

 A large, flooded sand and gravel quarry. The plant in the foreground was unavoidable. I was perched on a narrow ledge of sand. With a steep drop beyond! I visited this quarry years ago, to buy gravel, when it was still dry.

 A farmer, in his pickup, confirmed his criminal insanity. By passing me, about a foot away, at 80mph. Just as the only car for miles, on a long straight. Passed me going in the opposite direction. 

 Later on, a Mercedes driver reversed out of his drive without even bothering to look. Missed me by inches as cars were overtaking me. Leaving me with no chance of swinging wide. I expect this one was as pissed as a farmer too. They eventually overtook me at twice the [lowered] speed limit for a built up area. It seems this is allowed. Provided you have an expensive [Bmw-audi] German car with posh, alloy wheels.

Some light shopping in the village. Before returning to a 4" high lawn! Which had been far too wet to attack with the mower. I made a late lunch and then went into zombie mode. Falling asleep at the keyboard. In readiness for my afternoon nap. Which typically overshot from the approved 40 minutes into a full hour. It seems I am suffering from LOGS. Lazy old git syndrome.

17.30 70F. Enjoying a suitably belated, afternoon tea and a toasted roll. With a digestive biscuit of course.

19.30 66F. I have mowed all the grass including the drive. Both batteries are flat and on charge. There is still lots of work to be done requiring the hedge clipper[s.] My wife's flower bed is solid with colour. Nothing large of flashy. Just lots of small flowers and spires. Mostly pinks through to purples. Too many thistles are coming up and will need to be chopped to the ground. There are loads of apples and pears this year. Despite the trees not being clipped. Or because of it? 

 I am going for an easy dinner. Chips with fish fingers. It doesn't need to be tended. Nor even monitored.

 There are rumours flying all over the Internet that I have been cheating. The recent lack of images was used as evidence that my culinary skills are not all I might claim them to be. So, I have made the effort to prove my ability. Hey presto! Oven ready fish fingers and chips from my own fair hands. With two freshly washed <cough> fresh tomatoes. No AI image shenanigans involved either. So there! 😇


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