3 Aug 2023

3rd August 2023 Weirdness & making waves!


 Thursday 3rd 58F. Cloudy, with another day of heavy showers warnings. I have just woken. 6.00? I cursed myself for having overshot my afternoon tea and toasted roll. By a whole hour! Duly made and consumed. 

 Then I realised that the sun was still in the east. My afternoon nap was an illusion. It was morning! I haven't slept like that in ages. I feel robbed! Where did my evening and night go? I checked. I had made and eaten dinner, updated my blog and even had a picture to prove it. So I had slept right through the night without waking? 

 Now I have to factor in making a proper breakfast. Reset, then start living Thursday from scratch. I had better have a morning walk before I am tempted to start cooking the evening meal. It still feels really weird! What am I going to do with today?

 8.00 15C/60F Muesli breakfast and coffee over. Just had a short walk to relieve aching shoulders from yesterdays' exertions. I haven't had a proper walk for ages. Gone are the days when I would walk for miles through the forests. My wife would often ring me on my tiny Nokia "emergency" phone. To see if I was still alive. Often just as I was taking off my boots outside the door. We would both laugh at her perfect timing. It was uncanny how often this would happen. 

 I fancy a ride to Odense. The are more bike shops I haven't been to. The forecast is for a risk. Not guaranteed rain.

 14.30 Returned from Odense. Where it rained so heavily there were rivers on the main roads. Of course that did not stop Crash Test Dimmies from speeding past me. Spraying me from head to foot with solid water. Any fool could peer up the road and see it was flooded in several places. With sheets of water literally exploding to both sides of every passing vehicle. While a 10cm deep river flowed under my wheels in the sunken "cycle lane." Meaning a rough ditch in the bumpy, much repaired asphalt. This is "cycling friendly" Denmark after all. Not The Netherlands!

 It would not have been so bad had Odense council not abandoned cyclists to their fate. An off-road cycle path, on the route of the ancient roadway, turns sharp right straight into the traffic! Then bugger all, except a wide, grass verge. For miles of speeding lunacy! Are the few home owners too rich to give up their verge? Probably.

 After I took the very first turning off the main road I had to wobble. Through a 6" deep flood of dark brown water. Spanning the entire lane for dozens of yards. I had no idea if anything was hidden under the water. A pothole could have catapulted me head first. Never to come back to the surface. Police frogmen searching in vain for my remains. In reality my feet were underwater on every turn of the pedals. I didn't question the motor being flooded at the time. Fortunately the Moustache showed no hesitancy throughout.

 Half a mile later it was sunshine, dry roads and warm. So I stripped off my wet things and rode home in sunglasses against a headwind. No saddle soreness today. Nor phantom pains. The battery was down to 23% charge by the time I reached home. Using Sport mode for much of the day.

 I had an afternoon nap and was woken by thunder. I was dreaming of passing tractors! So I had muesli and morning coffee. Just in case. The rain poured at intervals as the rumbles continued. A line of thundery showers at a radius rotating around a very small core. My very own micro-hurricane. But without the wind.

 Dinner was fried chicken and mushrooms. With tomatoes and chips. I washed up while it cooked.


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