9 Aug 2023

9.08.2023 Counting on the time.


 Wednesday 9th 13C/56F. Cold and grey but with slightly lighter winds. Showers likely. Up at 7am. It should be museum day but my back hurts from all the lifting! I have had some "light headed" moments. Both yesterday and this morning. Some dizziness if I lie down too quickly in bed. Crystals in the inner ear?

 Rather foolishly, I had the grandfather clock going and striking all night. Which meant that I had to get up six times to "use the bathroom." Instead of "only" three or four. The tick sounded quite loud while lying on my back. My "one good ear" could hear it clearly. Lying on my right side it was completely inaudible! Though I could still hear the bell! 

 Do I move the clock? Or just stop it every night? It would be a bit of a nuisance restarting it and setting it to time every morning. Mostly because I would often forget to. I have already discovered that the time is illegible by the present, table lamp light. So the clock doesn't even have a good reason to be ticking at night. Though I could silence the strike. That would solve several problems. I could get used to the tick. Neither hall is large enough for such a clock. The kitchen? To what purpose? It would just be stealing floor and wall space. The hovel-chic kitchen has enough "character" as it is. 🙄

8.40 I hung out another load of towels after post, machine wash, rinsing and spinning. Using multiple containers and several journeys to protect my back. Now going for a walk to see if that helps.

9.30 The walk reduced the pain as usual. Though I am not risking further damage. Two young deer were hiding next door as I wandered past. A light shower passed quickly. The wind had gone 180º around to the west. Following the storm, the roads were littered with leaves, plums, apples, twigs. Even a solid branch. The poplars were leaning and roaring threateningly. Just above me in the roadside hedge. 

 While "Fluffy" the neighbour's long haired, Alsatian, guard dog was strangely absent. A first in many years. I have noticed its increased tendency to lie down to sleep. Though it has barked at me recently. Which is quite unusual these days. I hope it is not unwell. I was fun to talk to it as I walked past. Going both ways.

 13.00 17C/62F Lunch over. Remaining grey and variably breezy. 

 16.00 Nap over. No problem sleeping upstairs on my late wife's bed today. Both beds now feel normal. I am considering replacing the massive pocket sprung, bed base downstairs with a slatted base. That would lower it. Depending on the leg length fitted. 

 It is slightly brighter now. The towels were dry and brought into the airing cupboard. Continuing to tidy, rearrange furniture and clean. Keeping active.

 Dinner was fish fingers, pasta, peas and bashed tomatoes.


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