7 Jul 2023

7.07.2023 100km.


 Friday 7th 15C/61F. Bright at times but very cloudy. Quite a sunny day is promised. Yesterday's forecast for very light winds has been upgraded to breezy. A 10m/s gust is 22mph. I am not feeling so fragile today. I am well rested from e-biking. Where shall I go today?

 I have been wondering. For all the years I have been blogging. Whether I owe it to my readers to be entertaining. To provide fresh insights, or observations. Which might interest them. Or is blogging the purely selfish act? Of recording status updates of one's own, terrifyingly boring day. 

 Do I perform for the crowd in the village square? For there are rarely many readers of my meandering thoughts. Like some vagrant, wandering, one-man, circus act. Am I driven to perform? To "earn my keep" as an entertainer for my readers. Or am I merely describing my own, often desperate efforts? To ward off the slings and arrows of old age and to prolong life itself. You'll be the first to know. If I ever discover the truth. 

 8.20 Time is passing and that morning walk cannot be done by a robot or a drone. Nor by any app. Nor watching somebody else walking on YouTube. I walk. Therefore I am?

 9.30 20C/68F Bright sunshine and much less cloudy. So still, the wind turbines were stationary at first. Then began to wind themselves up to leisurely minutes per turn. A hare pottered about on the earthworks. A solitary pheasant, in all his finery, strutted the lanes. 

This lovely house above Fåborg looked out of upright in all of my images. So I rotated this image by 1º clockwise and cropped the twisted frame. The result is that the house is upright but the reflection in the lake is not. It took 4º degrees of CW rotation to get the reflection upright. Leaving the house foolishly sloping down to the right.

 I was much too warm in my lightest jacket over a t-shirt. The recent need of a jumper safely forgotten. My aches and pains came and went. Returned and subsided again. The greenhouse doors have been opened. Well before the sun fully clears the absent neighbour's trees.  

 Time to ready myself for my first ride in days. Goal, as yet, unknown. I shan't let the wind dictate my direction. It is what it is. Where have I not been? Is repetition distasteful? Or is the ride the thing in itself? Did I ever question my trike rides for their novelty on the day? I was often covering much the same ground. Again and again and again. Without all this inner searching. 

I know where I am going. There was an old a decrepit, rather isolated farmhouse. We liked the situation but it was at the top of our fantasy price range. Eventually bought and demolished. To be replaced by yet another, wooden, summer house. Near the sea and a lovely area. I can get there via the country lanes. About 40km [25 miles] each way. 

15.00 72F. I have just returned from a 100km ride. Having reached my goal I detoured to see my British friend on the way back. We were being attacked by wild bees and ladybirds in his garden. Until we retired to the shade.

 I was suffering from saddle soreness after 70km. Then I stopped for a biscuit and apple juice. Whereupon I pulled the bibs [shorts] down far enough to "reset" them. When I remounted the soreness was gone. Which suggests to me, that the shorts are bunching up beneath me.

 I found a stripped pine cupboard for the kitchen. For which I paid the princely sum of 300kr in a flea market. About £32? I shall have to drive back with my trailer to pick it up tomorrow. It needs some work but will be ideal for size. Hopefully allowing the fridge to finally emerge from behind the hall door. I will probably paint the cupboard.   

I saw lots of heavily laden touring cyclists on my ride. Mostly with panniers and other bags attached. They seemed unconnected but there were so many of them. All in a small but beautiful area above Fåborg. So that they might have been organized in some way. 

 At my shopping stop in the last village there was a handsome, modern tandem. With the helmsman still aboard. While his lady partner was shopping. Tandems are almost as rare as racing tricycles in Denmark. This one had all the latest equipment including large disk brakes.

23.00 58F.  Dinner was... Heinz baked beans on toast. I saw them at the supermarket and thought I ought to remind myself what I have been missing. Distinctly underwhelming! 😒


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