3 Jul 2023

3.07.2023 Salad on steroids?


 3rd July 2023 14C/57F. Cool and cloudy with a wet start and increasingly windy from the west. Showers possible. I was aching from yesterday's gardening activities. Not so bad this morning. I'll need a jacket to go for my walk. To keep warm! 

 Indoor temperatures are falling. I had to find the summer duvet last night. 21C/70F upstairs this morning. It had been 26C/78F during the warm spell. 19C/66F downstairs. 10ºF cooler than last week.

 I have closed all the windows tightly. To combat the draughts caused by the high winds. Which went completely unnoticed but were very desirable when it was too hot indoors. What a difference a few degrees makes!

 It was cool but not too uncomfortable in the sunshine on my walk. I made it to the lanes but loitered to watch the earthworks. Amazing progress, though I worry if the drainage has been properly thought out. The huge bank now closes off my side of the back field. Which was marshy to start with and prone to flooding if the drainage stream wasn't properly maintained. There was a domed drain cover down which the stream would flow. In wet winters we used to joke about starting a boat hire business. The raised bank has obscured the drain and stream. It was clearly visible in the past but now impossible to see where it once was.

 12.30 68F. Bright sunshine with occasional drops of rain. Very sheltered in the garden from the westerly wind. I have spent the morning strimming and mowing. The back lawn has been mowed twice at different heights and at right angles. As has the parking space after the sun had a chance to dry out from the overnight rain.  

 Still signs of the earlier bare earth mounds from the mole, or whatever. Lots of tall weeds remaining behind the felled chestnut. I am making steady progress though. I shall remove the plastic pond and fill the hole with compost. It is an eyesore! A mistake!

 Dinner was salad. No potatoes. No dressing. This is going to sound nuts but I really enjoyed everything about it. I don't think I have ever really [properly] tasted the ingredients of salad before today. I would once have turned my nose up at salad without salad cream. The cheese was utterly amazing without being surrounded in a bread and butter roll. I have had the same Extra Mature Cheddar cheese for lunch. Every single day, for years, but never really alone.


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