21 Jul 2023

21.07.2023 86km.


 Friday 21st 15C/60F. Bright sunshine but some, thin high cloud. Possible scattered showers. Woke to aches all over. As if I had been doing hard labour! I'll walk it off and then see how I feel about a ride. 

 I think this is a 1950s BMW Isetta. Many micro cars of this period were trikes but this has four wheels.

 8.45 Despite the modest temperatures and the breeze I was too warm in my cotton jacket. Skylarks sang high overhead. Swallows raced around the ripening crops. While blackbirds greeted another day at various distances. Traffic was unusually light. 

 I need more shopping and plan a modest ride. To a village at the end of a delightful route with lots of small hills. There are two co-ops to choose from in two adjoining villages. 

 12.45 20C/68F. Lunch over after returning from a 34km ride around the various shopping villages. Including browsing in several charity shops for furniture. I wore my cycling cardigan over my racing jersey again because I was not warm enough.

 18.00 65F. Returning from a visit to my British friend. Making 86km today. I wore my cycling jacket over the jersey this time. To ensure I stayed warm. It was quite breezy but at angle to my direction of travel. 

 I keep getting upper chest pain. It is really unpleasant. I remember it first started when I was panting up a long hill on my trike. Now the pain comes on at different times. Even when I am on my morning walk.

Dinner was cheese on toast with halved tomatoes. I actually remembered to take a photo. Enjoy?


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