16 Jul 2023

16.07.2023 Windy and wet.


 Sunday 16th 60F. Bright but cloudy with strong winds. Up at 5.00 after a restless night. Went to bed at midnight to try and ensure I slept.

 9.00 19C/66F. Returned from my morning walk to the lanes. Almost no traffic. Unusual so, even for a Sunday. The trees are bending to the wind at intervals. The road was littered with small branches and leaves from yesterday's squally showers and cloudbursts. A 24m/s [53mph] gust was measured only a few km away. My pond has refilled a few inches of evaporative losses in only a few days. The collection area is very close to the full diameter. So there has been no amplification of the heavy rainfall. 

The upstairs temperature has dropped to 23C/73F after having the windows on the catch all night. They have been like that for days and nights without affecting the temperature. So it's mostly about lower outside temperatures. Plus the southerly wind causing a cross-draught indoors. I need to go shopping but the strong wind will make a ride "interesting."

 I decided to go in the car. There was lots to buy. I have spent two hours today on WhatsApp. Chatting to two different people. It has been very windy all day with heavy showers. One of which lasted for ages.

 Dinner was chicken and mushrooms with pasta, peas and tinned tomatoes.


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