31 Aug 2022

31.08.2022 Fugly omelette!


Wednesday 31st 50F. Bright and almost clear. With a little high cloud overhead. Which has been beautifully brushed. Overnight temperatures have plummeted. I am closing the greenhouse and all the internal doors now. A very pleasant and dry, ~20C during the daytime.

 Up at 5.30 after a late night. It's another voluntary farm museum day again. 😊

Following a nice, long chat on the phone with the "master chef" I start my [men only] cooking classes tomorrow. There is the option of one or two classes. One on Tuesdays, which I have sadly missed this week, is more basic. The Thursday class includes more "exotic" recipes. Small groups gather at a village school between 10 and two pm. 

 Not too far away by car. I shall be driving there a little earlier tomorrow. To have the introductory tour. Charges for the classes are very modest indeed. I look forwards to learning "cooking from scratch." With the added bonus of further socialisation. Within easily manageable numbers of bods. Remembering names, particularly Danish names, is always a struggle. When you have the memory capacity of a goldfish. 

14.00 65F/13C, overcast and breezy. I spent an hour or two weeding the cobbles at the museum. Then moved onto clearing one of the internal, tool sheds within the long barn. A worm eaten partition, milk churns, buckets, tools, furniture and old shelving were each found new homes. Drove home, shopping on the way and have just finished lunch. 

I bought a packet of grass seed to speed the sward on the expanded parking space. The area under the ex-horse chestnut's shadow is not grassing well. It is mostly weeds. I'll spread some grass seed down there as well. Still no rain promised.

 An afternoon mostly spent in the observatory. I closed the greenhouse doors as I came back in to reduce heat loss.

 21.00 56F. Dinner was an omelette with brown mushrooms. Pasta with chopped tomatoes. I am keeping the pasta in the freezer compartment. When I take it out I can break it into short pieces in my fingers. Instead of attacking the rubbery stuff with scissors. It is so much easier.


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