14 Aug 2022

14.08.2022 Nasty gnats!


 Sunday 14th 68F/20C [at 07.30]  Bright but quite cloudy. 30C/86F promised again. 

 Up at 4.30 after an awful night. Sweaty, even downstairs, under a single sheet. 76F/25C. The whine of gnats as I hid under the sheet. Only to be repeatedly bitten on my hands and arms. It literally felt as if I had brushed my hands through stinging nettles! 

 I gained some relief by rinsing the bites under cold water and then dabbing repeatedly with witch hazel solution. By that time I was already up and stayed up. I will try sleeping inside a duvet cover as a cool sleeping bag.

 The veiled sun and gentle easterly breeze made it not so oppressive today. I trundled along the road waiting for my backache to subside. A couple of birds of prey moved away. Another roadside field had been harvested but not yet baled. The difference in scale between the hay row spacing was simply unbelievable. Those bales which already lay on the fields had not yet been collected.

 Several wild plants were showing heat or drought stress. Including the Japanese Knotweed.

8.45 75F/24C.  I really need to shop but would prefer to ride the trike. Which makes no sense. Because it has limited carrying capacity compared to the car. It would take at least two shopping trips by trike and it is already hot.

 I used the car and made one journey of it. 

The rest of the day was spent photographing the sun. It was hot but breezy. Later, with lots of cloud.

 21.30 70F/21C  Dinner was a salmon pasty in spinach sauce, chopped tomatoes and beans.


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