11 Aug 2022

11.08.2022 Harvesting proceeds apace.


 Thursday 11th 57F/14C [at 7.15] bright, clear start with a heat wave warning. Only 28C within the next few days. Woke at 4.45 but managed to doze until 6am. 

 I had only a single sheet over me but was comfortable at 75F. The temperature upstairs did not change overnight after I closed the windows at bedtime.

8.30 68F/20C. The wind turbines were standing still for the second morning in a row. Though the wind usually rises as the day wears on. 

 I returned from my walk bathed in sweat. Having made the mistake of wearing my light, cotton jacket. Aided by tree growth and a lower sun, at least I was spared the usual blinding light on the return leg. 

 The contractors are still clearing next door's garden. I am very glad I live here and not there. If the absent owners of the thatch bought the house behind it they could gain some useful space.

 Plans for today? I need to shop for food. Best to go before it gets too hot. 26C/79F is forecast for this afternoon.

 12.00 80F/27C, almost still and sunny. Same temperature inside and out. Returning from the shops. 18 miles. I stopped to take pictures of a huge tractor tilling the fields.

 The estate agent delivered his estimate on the value of the house. Very, very low! Even if it was perfectly finished, furnished and decorated! I told you it was a hovel!  He made it very clear that there was a lot of work to be done before it remotely reached his estimate. Not least a heating system to provide warmth while the new buyers/occupant[s] were presumably at work. 

The garage which did the repairs kindly gave me a written estimate of the car's value. Very, very low! 1996? What did I expect? Exactly that low a valuation. It is comfortable, reliable transport and has a tow hook. What more need you ask of a car? Status?

 I can now supply the bereavement court with two figures it asked for. There is still the far more complex paperwork. Requiring a full breakdown of our individual and combined wealth on the day of my wife's death. The bank rang to check on progress of the paperwork. Without which the bank cannot release my wife's bank balance to me and the mortgage and insurance companies cannot accept me as sole owner. 

 I wish I better understood the wording of many on the court's standard questionnaire. They use terms which are well beyond my limited Danish. I keep using Google Translate but I am still not sure what they want to know. Nor even how to find the answers. 

  My wife's banks won't even talk to me until I have confirmation by the court that probate is granted. It's not a lot of money [at all] but the court wants answers I cannot obtain. A bit of a Catch 22. 

  My wife had small savings accounts in  a couple of British building societies. Which were taken over by banks after we moved over here. No easy access so she just left them alone. Interest rates have been all but non-existent for most of those years.

 16.00 Another short but hilly ride. Making a total of 24 miles today. I did some minor tidying in the lounge. To make more room for the three armchairs. I have nowhere handy to put all the stuff behind them.

 Dinner was cod in batter with the usual beans and tinned, chopped tomatoes. A bread toll to finish off the sauce.



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