9 Dec 2023

9.12.2023 BMW autopilot miles ahead of AI FSD in thick mist.


 Saturday 9th 36F/2C [at 8.10] Dark overcast. The cars are clear again after yesterday's, new snow. A damp morning is promised with a SE wind. Hopefully any rain and slightly higher temperatures will clear more snow. Woke at 6am but dozed until 7.15. I have to shop. So I'll go in the old car. It will do me good to get out. Stop me from moping at home. 

 8.30 60F/15C in the room. I have lit the stove and refilled the log rack. Boots at the ready for a walk. It doesn't look as if it is going to get any lighter outside.

 9.15 It rained lightly and the mist thickened steadily as I walked to the lanes. The roads were wet but clear and the traffic unusually light. At times visibility was down to soft silhouettes at 200m.  Strings of small gulls wafted low across the landscape. Many veering away from me as they realised I was walking just below them. I had the choice to walk on slippery tire tracks or soft, wet snow along the drive. It was surprisingly hard work on the snow. The view across the garden is now softened within only a few yards.

 11.30 64F in the room. I have returned from shopping in the village. Snow is sliding off the roof. Visibility was well below 100m at times. Worse still in the built up area. Probably because it was lower altitude. More like 50m invisibility in the high street. 

 Fortunately BMW drivers have super powers. So they don't need to see where they are going. They have AUDI/BMW autopilot. So I pulled into a lay-by to let them pass. They vanished at high speed into the thick mist. Showing no rear lights nor fog lights. That'll be the amazing BMW autopilot at work. Who needs AI full self driving? 

 18.15 I am going to cook some mince. I have the onions now. Boiled potatoes, peas and gravy will probably go well with it. My recent experience with frying the meat balls was not positive. Hopefully the loose mince will provide the confidence I need to get it right.

 The mince tasted odd. I think I cooked it too long. About 25 minutes at 3-4 on the heat setting. It was very dark brown, but not visibly burnt. I fried the chopped onion until it was translucent and then added the mince. I drained the fluid early on as advised online. So the mince was frying almost dry. I kept moving it around to ensure it didn't stick. Only half of the mince is used, so I can try again.


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