7 Dec 2023

7.12.2023 Frikadeller.


 Thursday 7th 33/1CF. The forecast is remaining around freezing. With little or no rain, sleet or snow today. It doesn't look as if much of the fallen snow has gone. Only the roof of the MM seems to be clear. [Rather oddly! Why only there?] Both cars and the ground remain covered in thick snow. 

 I have to reach the cooking class. Nearly 20km away. I'd better walk along the drive. To check the condition of the road before making a decision about going. Then the old car has to start. Before I can reverse the 120m, through the snow, to the junction with the main drive.

7.50. Almost light enough to go and check the road. The road is clear but very wet. I met my nice neighbour and have loaned him my builder's ladder. 

 8.30 The old car started quickly. So I have it warming up and have scraped off all the 10cm/4" of snow. I have lit the stove to get some warmth into the place. Time for a shower.

13.15 35F/2C. Heavily overcast. Safely home from cooking class. Where if made frikadeller. Meatballs?

 The roads were wet but mostly free of ice or snow. A snowplough lorry had fallen off the road into a very soft verge. The vehicle was leaning away from the road at an alarming angle! Causing some difficulties for the traffic at a busy, uphill crossroads.

 63F in the room. There was still a small fire bed in the stove. So I added some kindling and a small log to quickly get it going again. Our new neighbours seem to be coming and going with a van. Furniture? No contact yet.

 The rest of the day was spent feeding the stove, browsing, watching YT videos or Netflix. No dinner. The snow seems to be thinning slightly. Particularly where I have cleared or walked on it.


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