28 Dec 2023

28.12.2023 Failure to lift off! 😳


 Thursday 28th 46F/8C. SW gales and heavy showers. Up at 9.00 after a midnight bedtime. I woke at 5am but decided to go back to sleep. Next thing I knew it was 9.am.

 10.00 60F/15C in the room. Feels cold. Stove lit. The garden is moving in the wind. Rain streaming noisily down the greenhouse. A real cloudburst. The former daylight has turned into dusk. So much for having a walk! 

17.30  Afternoon and I went shopping in my old car. When I came out of the supermarket the car wouldn't start! It turned over fast enough but just wouldn't fire. The exhaust kept popping. I gave up and walked onto further shops. To give the battery time to recover. 

 On my return the car still wouldn't start. So I rang the SOS service through my insurer. By the time he arrived [only 20 mins] I had managed to start the car. Though with great reluctance to pick up. I moved it under a street lamp and lifted the bonnet to help the mechanic on his arrival.

 I left the engine running to dry out any dampness and to recharge the battery. The rescue service chap was very helpful but I didn't really need him by then. The engine was now running normally. It was recommended I replace the battery or drive longer journeys. Just to keep the battery in good condition. 

 A visit to my local workshop was also suggested for a check-up. To ensure I avoided a repeat of my car's failure to start. I think it has had enough. It is from the mid-90s and costs far more than its value. Every time it needs its periodical safety check. The next isn't due until August 2024.

 I am trying to protect the Morris Minor from salted roads. Which is why I took the old car today.

 Dinner was sliced and fried chicken breasts, mushrooms and an egg. It has been a day of gales and heavy showers. The same is expected tomorrow.


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