13 Dec 2023

13.12.2023 Wednesday all day.


 Wednesday 13th 34F/1C. Up at 6am and it really is Wednesday this time. 60F/15C in the room and it feels too cold. I had to light the stove straight way.

 7am. The room has risen to 61F and it feels warmer already. Museum day. I shall go in the old car. I have missed the last two Wednesdays due to snow.

 It is very odd how my "waterworks" stopped misbehaving. I no longer have to rush off to the bathroom every five minutes. My half dozen visits to the fire bucket at night have reduced to once or twice. "The fire bucket" was deliberately placed on a low table near the end of my bed. To reduce the increasing toll of repeated breaks in my sleep. 

 The plastic bucket was deliberately raised to a comfortable level. Which ensured I could not easily miss. While half asleep and usually half blind. I also have a remote control LED table lamp. With the zapper on a low desk beside by my bed. Again another deliberate tactic to avoid unnecessary activity or requiring increased concentration in the middle of the night. The lamp is not as bright as a normal table lamp. So did not blind me nor wake me up too much.

 I stopped taking the prescribed [prostate reduction] medication due to the awful, phantom pains it caused. Every part of me was hurting. I was even getting tooth ache and severe, clamping chest pains. All now gone thank goodness. The medication had no obvious effect in the short time I was taking it. It is months since I stopped taking the tablets.

 Normal pressure and flow have now returned. No more pain when urinating either. Probably too much information but it was truly life changing for me. This is my personal diary and nobody else reads it anyway. I was measuring my life by my distance to the next available toilet. It was a physical and mental handicap on literally everything I did. My walks, cycle rides and car outings were constantly interrupted.

 I have started making dinner an hour earlier and have cut out evening drinks of tea or coffee. Or have reduced them to a small cup of milk after dinner. It also helped if I avoided having a beer with dinner. My often greasy, fried menu often required a drink of some sort to clean my palate. I should cut down on my salt intake too.

 13.30 Back from the museum. Where I helped to remove three trailer loads of unwanted items from the storage barn. A mixture of modern, damaged and some worm ridden old stuff. Each trailer load was taken to the recycling yard. 

 It was a cold morning with a chill NE wind. Even brief flurries of snow. The MM had snow adhering to the windscreen and wings. The room was back down to 15C/60F again. I had left the stove burning well. There was still just enough warmth in the fire bed to ignite some kindling.

 19.00 33F/1C. I went with another fry up for dinner. Fried chicken, mushrooms and eggs. The last of the fresh tomatoes. The eggs were perfect until I broke them turning them over. I added a bread roll to soak up the fat. The room has only risen to 65F/18C.


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