7 Sept 2022

7.09.2022 Weed whacker.


 Wednesday 7th 56F. Windy with a tobacco filter in the NE. Turning to soft orange. [6.30] There is a cloudburst warning from lunch time onwards. The same after 6mph tomorrow. Friday is now offered as the big soaking day.

 Up a 5.45 after being woken by gnat bites on my hands. I had the dormer windows open yesterday. Aching back and shoulders. Probably from days of shovelling compost. Plus the drainage trench of course. I was swinging the pickaxe. A walk will usually help me to recover. I didn't have one yesterday. 

 I have just been hanging out my laundry. Bringing the dry stuff into the greenhouse to air on the clothes horse. Taking dry stuff upstairs from the greenhouse. The clothes horse will have to go back into the lounge when it gets colder. I have to build up experience as to how well the new [and efficient] stove warms the entire house. Or not. A combination of open doors and a much better stove was never possible until now. Will the heat distribute to the kitchen and bathroom? Or all rush upstairs to the bedroom?

 My walk to the lanes lasted for three quarters of an hour. I detoured just to have a change of scenery from a higher viewpoint. A stiff and cool, easterly wind only added to the overcast skies and garish sun. Mostly hidden by clouds but defiantly orange and brown. I was grateful for my lightweight, windproof jacket at first but was soon too warm. As waterproof as blotting paper but as breathable as a bin bag. 

 Wednesday is farm museum volunteer day. I had better take a jumper and jacket. Just in case. The winter shirt proved to be too warm!

 15.00 60F/15C. Safely home from my voluntary work at the museum. As there was no supervision today I spent hours hacking at prostrate dandelions with a hoe. Two wheelbarrows full. Then carried very heavy, antique furniture between the buildings. Something ought to be done about that to save serious injury amongst the elderly volunteers. Not least myself. If I hurt my back I shan't be able to do anything! That was followed by vacuuming the cafe floor and setting the tables. Ready for a large group of visitors on Friday. 

 It started raining lightly about an hour ago. While I was shopping in another village. Becoming much heavier only now. With a bit of a cloudburst. The radar shows a double band of heavy showers crossing towards the NE. It should be over in an hour or so. I left a line full of t-shirts out. They were extra well rinsed but will take quite some time to dry!

Dinner was an enormous quantity of salad. I lowered the [poached] eggs individually from a small cup into barely boiling [simmering] water. Not quite so "untidy" as previous attempts. 15 minutes was too long.


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