6 Oct 2023

6.10.2023 Walking wounded.


 Friday 6th. Dark, raining and blowing. A wet and windy morning is promised. With the westerly wind strengthening as the day goes on. Gusts reaching 20m/s by 8pm and continuing overnight. 45mph. I am protected by the windbreak of trees from that direction. So gales will usually go unnoticed.

 Up at 7am after another restless night. Doctor at 10.30 about the waterworks test results. I shall go in M&M. I hope I can wash my hair today. I didn't want to disturb the wound for as long as possible. I can't leave it any longer. It is still slightly painful to touch the crust which formed. Though the sensitivity has dropped this morning. Mild swelling still lies along the lower edge of the linear scab. No more headaches or other symptoms.

 8.30. Too wet for a walk. I decided to wash my hair in the shower. That let me rinse it thoroughly with my head tilted back. There was still some matted blood in my hair but I didn't want to touch the wound. It hurt to bring the towel too close, while drying my hair, but the job is now done. The shaving mirror shows slight swelling around the whole area. Not quite so visible in the webcam 'snap.'

 9.45 The rain is coming down in sheets against the dark, background trees. Talking of sheets: I really like the look of my army green bedding. I suits the drab, cement render decor perfectly. 😁 I'll have to practice my ironing when I get back.

 11.15 Back again. The rain is easing off. I may have to go to hospital for a scan. No hurry it seems and there is a waiting list.

 That was quick! I have just received the required extra [red lettered] numberplate. For when I carry a bike on the back of the Morris and the original number plate is obscured. The problem is I still have no tow bar on which to mount a bike rack. A local Morris restoration specialist has them in stock but I have not made an appointment to have it fitted yet. This would also require the car has a fresh MOT. [Or Syn as it is called in Denmark.] I need a nearside mirror. As well as a replacement interior [rear view] mirror. The latter is "smoked" and darkens the view. 

 I had a chat with the restorer and will have the tow hook fitted at the end of October. Meanwhile, there is a huge, used car and parts show not far away in Fredericia on October 21/22. I may be able to pick up a Haynes Workshop Manual for the Morris more cheaply there. They will also have a Nordic Morris Minor Club stand. 

 18.15 The thermometer in the window above my bed is showing 68F. 20C. Yet it feels cold in here. Probably due to the wind. Which is whipping my load of towels to shreds out on the rotary whatsit. So I lit the stove. Instant comfort.

9.00 Dinner was chips, with chicken, mushrooms and two fried eggs. I fried the eggs in a small frying pan. Not bothering to turn them. I just kept basting the yolks with the hot oil. It worked fine. Except that I overdid them slightly and the yolks were firm. Still tasty. Next time.

 The stove worked wonders and I am sitting in my t-shirt again. Having removed my jumper.


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