5 Oct 2023

5.10.2023 Gridlock!


  Thursday 5th. A reasonable day is promised. Up at 6.30. Having napped during yesterday afternoon I went to bed at midnight. My hope  of quickly falling asleep was not forthcoming. Though I do feel better than I did yesterday.

 My insurance company has sent me my policy for the Morris Minor online.  They have added a requirement for a locked garage on the end. Give the relatively low value of my car and the trend towards carports I shall have to contact them. I have been advised by the experts to get a carport to reduce the risk of rust. 

 I clearly remember reading somewhere that the thermal cycle in closed garages increases condensation and therefore rust. Largely due to rapidly changing temperatures between day and night. While carports protect the car physically but allow free airflow. To dry out the nooks and crannies. Thereby prolonging the car's life.

 08.30 Going for a walk.

 9.45 Constant bright sunshine and a bit of a breeze. Perfectly comfortable with a jumper. I have to go shopping. The larder and 'fridge are all but empty. First I have to solve the current gridlock on Chez Hovel's less than spacious parking area. Reversing down the 100m drive in the M&M yesterday. While it was covered in heavy, morning dew. Is rather too frustrating. I have squeegees but cannot be simultaneously both inside and outside the car. Meanwhile, the "other" car and trailer are hogging the turning space.

 10.30. Generally tidied up. To make room for the trailer and hence the car. Saved two newts/salamanders from drowning in buckets and pots filled with rain. Lost one small frog. I have inverted all the containers. While I decide what to do with them. My wife would not let me drill drainage holes in her big metal plant pots. Because ants, or other root munching beasts, would soon move in.

 12.00 Returning from delivering my urine sample to the surgery and then shopping. Hopefully in that order! Who can tell when you get a funny look from the checkout operator anyway? Full sunshine, T-shirt weather.

 I bought my first petrol for M&M. She/he/it needs valve protection fluid with each refill. Which amounted to a blind squirt into the filler neck [?] prior to filling. More research needed on ratios. At least it ensured a good mix. I was also advised to go for premium petrol. So I bought exactly 10 litres of 95+ for 150kr. Which gave an indication of half full on the petrol gauge from showing exactly empty. Useful information. 

 The greenhouse doors had to be opened to push the heat out. 20C/68F downstairs. Doesn't need a boost. I'll have some lunch. Then probably go into town in M&M. It's too nice to sit indoors and best not to nap! I am trying to build up some mileage as practice in M&M. It doesn't feel natural, familiar or automatic yet. 

 If I find an ironing board in a charity shop I can't bring it back on the e-bike. Though I haven't explored M&M's length capacity yet. The seats hinge forwards, for rear passenger access, but do they fold flat? To make room for oversized stuff. Is the boot isolated from the cabin? I am trying to decide if I need the load capacity of the "other" old car.

 OK. The MM seats are on rigid, tubular metal frames. Which only hinge forwards on the front crossbar right down on the floor. The boot is only made accessible by removing two thumbscrews in the boot. These retain the whole, padded, rear seat back. The gain in storage length would have to be truly worthwhile to go to this much trouble. It's not difficult. Just a bit clumsy. Further thumbscrews may be missing. Judging by the empty holes.

 An ironing board might just go on the diagonal in the cabin. With the passenger seat tilted right forwards. Though it might be quite a tight fit. Depending on breadth, 150-160cm free length is available. 

 The passenger footwell is blocked by the seat. So not much to gain there. Not without the seat's complete removal. Which means unscrewing the four bolts penetrating the car floor. Which hold the simple hinge/pipe brackets to the floor. Doable, but, again, rather clumsy. All that effort just to gain the depth of the footwell plus the depth of the tilted seat for a one-off load? Not today. Still, all good to know. If only for future reference.

13.40 Enough waffle. Time to go. I'll take a tape measure. To avoid getting anything too big to bring home. 

 16.00 Back from the Grande Tour yo the nearest proper town. Ironically I finally found an ironing board in a charity shop in the nearest village. While I as on my way home. So I am now the proud owner of a Brabantia strygebræt. Having met some delightful, lady volunteers today. 

 I paid about £6 equivalent for the board. Retail new is £85 and on upwards. The board went into M&M with plenty of room to spare. So I needn't have worried. I strapped it into the passenger seat with the seat belt. For safety on the journey.

 Dinner was salad with boiled potatoes, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, carrots and tuna. I followed the advice to cut the lettuce into strips with a knife. Which was very easy. While the heart lettuce leaves were still unwrapped from each other. Trapping the lettuce into a folded tea towel removed the excess water. After rinsing thoroughly in the colander. 

 Cutting the potatoes smaller helps them to cook evenly. I used up what I had left. Probably one too many as usual. The arrangement on the plate was experimental but worked very well indeed. With the evenly spread, grated cheese provided the ideal sharpness. Missing from the lack of salad cream. Further helped by the proximity of the cheese to the warm potatoes. A successful and healthy meal!


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