31 Oct 2023

31.10.2023 Wet again.


 Tuesday 31st. 44F/7C. Heavy overcast, wet and windy. A very wet morning will clear from the west after lunch. Up at 7am after a disturbed night. I lay awake for ages. Got up twice. At 3 and 5am. I was going to stay up at 5am but went back to bed and finally fell asleep again. I get into a run of memories of my late wife and cannot escape. It didn't help that I was too warm. It was 68F/20C at bedtime.

 I couldn't have chosen a worse time to wash the down sweater. I put it on a hanger last night over the bath. The jacket was still saturated and dripping this morning. I have hung it in the greenhouse to get it out of the way. Though it isn't very warm out there. There isn't anywhere useful to hang it in the living room. Which is warmer but has carpets to drip on. The jacket is far too big, on a hanger, for a bucket to stand under it. I'd need a baby bath. I'll hang it outside, upside down, this afternoon if it clears up as promised. The wind should help. Spin drying is not recommended.

 8.15. Fine rain and very windy. I am going for a walk. I'll see how the machine wash affected the Gore-Tex jacket.

 8.50 It rained more heavily and steadily but did not penetrate the jacket. My fleece jacket underneath was perfectly dry on my return. Though I wasn't gone for more than 20 minutes. Every drop of rain darkened the outer fabric. So I shall re-proof the jacket anyway. The guard dog is still not convinced it is me but at least I wasn't being choked by laundry perfume. 

 The puddles are expanding slowly on the back field. All in the vicinity of the original pond. The stream continues to rise. There would have to be unbroken water across the entire field to endanger my boundary. The free, online mapping service contours suggest a meter rise would be needed to reach the northern or western boundaries. Another meter to reach the house. 

 The back gardens of the houses on the main road are frequently flooded in winter. Mostly from the overflowing, drainage beck. My western boundary lies behind these gardens. Though the house is situated higher.  My garden slopes down to the western and northern boundaries. 

 I wasted the entire day watching YouTube videos. The down sweater has been brought into the living room.

 Dinner was cheese on toast with cherry tomatoes.


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