30 Jun 2023

30.06.2023 109km or 67 miles.


 Friday 30th 58F. Bright but with a smudgy sky. The forecast for rain or showers has gone. A sunny day is promised but cooler. With a maximum of 21C/70F. Winds light and from the NW turning more westerly. Up at 5.45. I woke from a weird dream which had nothing to do with reality. Another day. Another ride?

6.50 A woodpecker has just landed on my observatory dome and is pecking at it. It seemed unable to get a firm grip on the smooth plywood and was sliding downwards. It has given up and flown into the surrounding trees.

 8.30 Back from my walk to the lanes. A red kite sailed over before I had even left the drive. It is quite unusual not to see at least one bird of prey on my walks. The machines were still today but the giant tipper trucks are still delivering soil. The fields look patchy. I am not sure if that is the drought or just variable ripening. I certainly saw some brown grain crops yesterday.

 9.00 Still unsure where to go today. It is forecast to be wet at the weekend. So I had better get a ride in while I can enjoy a short sleeved cycling jersey and warm sunshine. 

 I am choosing distant charity shops which I know have furniture. These act as my intended destination for the day. In the absence of any other goal. 

 I am going to Fredericia. A pretty ride to Middelfart, via rural lanes, and then over the Old Bridge to Erritsø and on to Fredericia. I have ridden that route on my trike. There used to be a friendly bike shop there but it has now gone.

 15.30 21C/70F. I have just returned from another ride. 109km [68 miles] in 4h.16m. Averaging 26km/hr at 77rpm. 1100m ascent and descent. Max speed 52km/hr. It was very cool to start with. I had to stop and put on a sweater. I reached both my goals but was tiring on the return journey. My right foot and quadriceps were hurting on and off. Saddle soreness on the way back too. 

19.45 65F: Had a visit from my English friend. He's just left. Didn't fancy anything on toast. So I'm going with fish fingers and chips. 😋 Stop sniggering at the back! 😊


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