24 Jun 2023

24.06.2023 "Toy" submarine news coverage sells more advertising?


 Saturday 24th 65F. Bright, but mostly cloudy. More sunshine promised. My knees and the backs of my calves are mahogany. The rest of my legs are white. My forearms are red/brown. The UV index is above 6. I am using SPF30 sun cream from the supermarket.

 Titanic toy submarine + 4 spoilt bods get worldwide news coverage!! Greeks kill over 500, including many children. By failing to rescue yet another overloaded wreck. Which story sells more advertising? Correct!

8.15. 17C/63F. Going for a walk.

9.15 21C/70F. Just back from my walk. Pretty skies as the sun breaks through. Hot already despite the westerly breeze.

 More phantom pains! Shoulders, back and upper chest. I am stopping the "waterworks" tablets for a few days as a trial. As suggested by the doc. I have also had an early morning, upset stomach for several days in a row now. Let's call it [almost] diarrhea. Having to dash back from my walk is not conducive to getting beneficial exercise. 

 I have been cutting my walks shorter and shorter. I used to walk for miles through the forest in the mornings. Now I dare not go for more than a few hundreds yards from home! After several early visits to the toilet it seems safe to go out. The benefits of taking medicines may not outweigh the side effects. 

10.00 22C/72F. I'll try a shorter ride. Just to see how it goes before risking a greater distance.

 14.00 Returned from my ride. I rode to a series of charity shops at greater distances looking for better kitchen furniture. It was a complete waste of time. Still a nice ride in warm sunshine. 61km with still 31% charge left. Only on the last bit was the saddle uncomfortable.

 Dinner was salad. No tomatoes and only one tiny carrot. The poached eggs were too soft. I gave them three minutes but should have hard boiled them. Ended up with a mixture of water and yolk on the plate. Despite the lack of salad cream I ate the lot. Heinz Salad Cream is very hard to come by over here. I am not keen on mayonnaise as a substitute.


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