27 Jan 2023

27.01.2023 A friend in need.


 Friday 27th +1C/34F. Another sunny day is forecast. 

 Up at 6am after a fairly quiet night. 

 7.00 The stove is lit. 

 8.00 Time for a short, early walk? I need to loosen muscles from yesterday's efforts with firewood. There was some splitting to do and lots of carrying of heavy baskets of logs. Not to mention dragging the heavy trailer uphill! 

 I bought a new trailer winch but it is hidden in the shed. So requires too much effort to make use of it. If I attach the winch to the trailer it would be much more useful but probably rust. Perhaps they are designed to be constantly out of doors? That would make sense for boat trailers. The last winch I bought at a flea market, years ago, was already worn out.

 8.30 A brisk walk along the shared drives avoided the rush hour traffic.

 14.30 Still sunny. Safely returned from a visit to my English friend. Where he fixed some computer problems due to the W11 update.

 Dinner was another fry-up. The eggs are still sticking to the pan. Tasted alright though.


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