14 Mar 2024

14.03.2024 Cooking class.


  Thursday 14th 46F/8C. Grey and misty. Early light rain. Up at 6.15 after a quieter night. My left nostril feels like blood but is just damp so far.

 Cooking class today after ex-school kitchen renovation had caused a pause in activities. With early rain in the forecast I will drive there in the old car. Milder weather means 64F/18C in the room. I shan't light the stove before leaving. 61F/26C in the bathroom is easily warm enough for a shower.

14.00 Returned from cooking class. Where I made a salad. The Morris Minor problem is still not diagnosed. It has been set aside while the backlog of other work is attended to. It may be a fortnight until I get it back!

 I had an afternoon nap and then lit the stove. It was still 64F/18C in the room. So not uncomfortable.

 No need for dinner. As I had eaten too well at the cooking class. I made do with a small tin of beer and several glasses of tap water. Let's not forget the two chocolate biscuits. One milk and the other dark chocolate.



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