9 May 2023

9.05.2023 Gardening? Surely not?


 Tuesday 9th 53F. Bright sunshine but with some wind-brushed cloud. It is already windy. With the garden trees rocking. 10m/s average + 15 m/s gusts. 22-33mph. I need a rest. Perhaps I'll go to my cooking class by car today. I'll see how I feel after my walk.

 I had my usual walk. A harrier was looking very untidy as it fought the headwind.

 Well, that was a waste of time! I drove to the cooking class and there was nobody there. Miscommunication. It seems the class leader has an appointment elsewhere. I didn't get the message.

  I spent the rest of the morning cutting the grass. Strimming it first to knock down the dandelions. Then gave it a haircut at maximum height. It can be trimmed lower in a while. I cut back a vicious, woody rose which had gone mad. With arching stems full of thorns. Followed by removing the woody stalks from last year's plants. There are lots of new plants coming up. So I was careful not to stand on anything. 

 My wife's flower bed will be getting far more sunshine this year. Now that the year round shade from the huge, horse chestnut has gone. The garden didn't get any attention [at all] last year. Apart from grass cutting. So it will be interesting to see what blossoms. 

 There are still some plants from tubs and pots lying in front of the flower bed. I ought to move them with their root balls. I released them from captivity but just left them sitting on the bare ground. I reasoned they would survive better that way. Because they could draw moisture from the soil. Without relying on a watering can or rain in a closed container. 

 16.30 64F. Bright overcast and still windy. I have given the grass a second haircut at a lower setting. It is dry, windy and warm. So I can use the collection basket and fill the trailer with the dry cuttings. Everything slows down when the grass is wet. I will probably deliver the trailer full to the recycling yard. While I do some shopping in the village. Time for some salad, I think. Get some variation going in my diet.

 Lettuce, cucumber and carrots are added to the larder in the 'fridge. Boiled potatoes and salmon should complete the picture.


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