25 May 2023

25.05.2023 Maturity beckons but is always ignored.


 Thursday 25th 48F. Bright sunshine is expected to continue for the foreseeable future. I seem to be making a habit of getting up at 5.45. 

 I discussed the local lad on his high performance e-bike yesterday. It was not intended to be a criticism of such machines. More a wish for the young rider's survival and [perhaps more importantly] greatly increased maturity. He is clearly a serious risk taker and this may well end in tears. Probably for his family. Or, far worse, that of some innocent victim. 

 Such power and speed demand rather more than mere skill at riding. It requires maturity in one's thinking. Which is clearly absent by the behaviour I have seen for myself. Foresight is required to avoid placing oneself in very serious danger. Plus enough empathy, for others unknown.  To care about those likely to be seriously harmed by such poor rider decisions. 

 Riding the wrong way along a cycle path at 80kph/50mph invites a serious collision. Cars emerging from their drives. With poor visibility due to their high hedges. Will not be expecting a 50mph cruise missile coming from the wrong direction. Nor will those innocents emerging from their homes on foot or bicycle. 

 Riding [or driving] defensively requires intelligence, experience and maturity of thought. Not just the necessary funds to afford such a machine. My chances of speaking to the young rider are very slim. Even though I ride a "45" e-bike myself.  He is clearly far more interested in showing off. Than listening to some old fart. With 70 years of riding/survival experience. Prattling on about safety in my clumsy Danish. 

 He may well be reported to the police before he dies prematurely. Though it won't be by me. He is breaking far too many rules in public places to go unnoticed. We all went through the risk taking years in our youth. Most survive. Some do not. This lad will probably end up drooling down his chin in an electric wheelchair. If he is very lucky. Somebody else may end up the same way. As they step out into his adrenaline-fueled, sociopathically selfish world.  

 He is giving electric bikes a bad name. Which may affect the laws governing a wider uptake if he makes the national headlines. Cardiff had a riot about a supposed police chase of an e-bike ending in two deaths. 

 The real truth has yet to come out. Meanwhile all those paying attention to the headlines will want more restrictions. Even though these two were probably traveling at illegal speeds on an illegally modified machine. Or even a stolen one. Nor is a passenger allowed. For obvious safety reasons. The brakes and suspension can't cope with the increased loads and speeds involved. 

 None of this is meant to suggest this was actually true. I am just putting forward potential reasons. For the tragic and completely unnecessary deaths of two young boys. Both of whom would have been banned from riding a high speed e-bike on age grounds alone. It's all blood under the bridge on the long road to e-bike maturity. 

 14.00 20C/68F Back from cooking class. We made meat balls on a bed of vegetables. Which was under-cooked. Dessert was ice cream and raspberries. Last class this season is in a fortnight. Then a summer break until August. I rode there on my e-bike in breezy conditions with continuous, bright sunshine. The hilly route is through glorious countryside. 

 20km each way at an average of 26km/hr. Cadence 80rpm. Mostly in Sport Mode. With a little Turbo mode to maintain my speed for the steepest hills. My average power was 77W. With a 3:1 ratio of assistance from the motor. 440m of ascent and descent.

 My skill and confidence, on two wheels, climbs with every outing. I have just reached a total of 2000km on the e-bike since its arrival in March.

 I am reconsidering saddles. [Again!] The wide saddle feels as if it is resisting my leg movements as I pedal. As if it its T-shape is stopping the very tops of my thighs/buttock line from going any lower. So it is pushing me forwards despite being slightly tipped up at the nose. If I experimentally trap my fingers just there it hurts like hell!

 The narrower Brooks B17 [brown] has much more of a delta shape but is intended for a rider who is leaning forwards. While I am almost upright after my "high rise" handlebar stem changes.

 I have now plastered the unused B17 'Special' in Proofide to let it soak in overnight. Then I'll give it a trial ride tomorrow. I left it in the greenhouse, to help the Proofide soak in. The saddle leather turned very dark!

 The usual problem with new Brooks saddles is their [rock] hardness and high gloss. Subjectively, it is like balancing on a polished rock for the first few rides. The Proofide will at least cure the slipperiness. How much softening occurs overnight is quite another matter. Nothing ventured. Nothing gained. 

 Interestingly, the wide, black, sprung saddle feels soft already. I can easily press it downwards on the flat top. It went almost unnoticed today. While wearing ordinary clothes. Rather than padded shorts. A good sign, despite my reservations about the forward facing 'shoulders.' Marked here on the image in red.

  I keep wondering whether my saddle soreness problem is more to do with trapped flesh. Or trapped padding in the shorts causing friction. Rather than soreness directly under my sit bones. The wide saddle is supposed to support more of me. With the effect of reduced pressure per square unit of area. Rather than only a narrow support line through the middle of my crutch. I  have never got on with laterally curved saddles. Always preferring a flat top in the "bench" area. The Cambium C17 hurts immediately I sit on it! It feels as if it is prizing my sit bones apart! I am described as slim. So I don't have much padding.

 There was no need for dinner. Because I at at the class. So I had a beer, a coffee and a micro Corny bar. In that order. Not together.



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