20 May 2023

20.05.2023 My kingdom for a prop stand!


  Saturday 20th 40F. Bright, after a cold night. Thin, high cloud. A restless night.

 I need a new goal for a ride. Tomorrow and the next few days promise rain. So it has to be today. Winds mostly easterly. Gusting to 10m/s or 22mph by lunch time. 

 An early walk to be treated to a cacophony of birdsong. There were three warblers competing from my garden trees. Lots more along the roadside trees and hedges. It was amazing. 

 I know where I am going now. Heading north to a town on the coast. With a large, specialist, electric bike, scooter and vehicle shop and display. It looks interesting. I have a choice of routes and will play it by ear. Depending on the traffic on the main roads. Going via the lanes is longer but not by much.

 13.30 19C/66F I mixed main roads with lanes. The main roads felt very unsafe. With no protection from speeding cars. Other than a painted white line a foot from the edge of the asphalt. Half a dozen drivers brushed closely past me. Too lazy to slow briefly to let an opposing vehicle pass. GTGP on steroids. [Got To Get Past!]

 The electric bike and vehicle shop was huge! Outside, an elderly lady was being shown how to drive a small, electric, mobility car. This went on all the time I was in the display area. 

As I emerged the lady drove off at speed across the car park. Then disappeared around the corner of the building out of sight. Then there was a huge BANG! The attending family and staff rushed to look around the corner. I left before I became just another ghoul.  

 After a ride through town I rode along the waterfront far as I could. To reach the underside of The Old Bridge. This was via a rather busy foot and cycle path. Gravel and lumpy and humped, leading to lots of hills. Quite good fun at speed I would imagine. I ended up in a huge park. Where there was a wild pond full of beautiful flowers.

 86km/53 miles in just under 3.5 hours. Averaging 25km/hr/ 15mph, 82rpm and 88W. I ascended 820m. It felt kike a direct headwind on the way back. I had to swap batteries again to get home. I imagine my speed dropped due to riding along the footpaths at as nail's pace to allow pedestrians to loiter aimlessly.

 My prop stand broke off during the ride home. I have no idea where it went. Not that it would be any use. The metal has failed close to the mounting bracket. 

 Being unique to Moustache I will have to ask the dealer for a replacement. Hopefully under guarantee. A bike shop mechanic looked at it and said he had dozens but nothing like it. Life without a prop stand is extremely difficult for such a heavy machine. The tires are much too fat to fit in any bike stands or racks. A sturdy centre stand might be much better. If there was anywhere to attach it securely. While avoiding the pedals and cranks.

Dinner was beans on toast. 


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