7 May 2023

7.05.2023 A tour down memory lanes.


 Sunday 7th 45F. Overcast. We were promised lots of sunshine from early on today. At least it is dry. SE winds shouldn't be too extreme. Gusting to 10-12ms = 22-25mph. Only a little movement in the trees at the moment. 

8.00 Time for a walk? 

9.00 10C/50F. First glimpse of brightness. A few blue gaps in the clouds. The wind was stronger and colder than expected. My winter jacket was safely buttoned up. Though it didn't stop my eyes from watering.

  Lots of birds chattering away. A large, solitary goose was waddling across a huge field and complaining loudly. It eventually took off and departed at very low altitude. Then a foraging Jackdaw almost let me walk up to it before leaving. A heron crossed like some pterodactyl. I had to tell a young cat off for walking in the road. It retreated onto the verge to listen politely to my sermon. Dead cats are sadly a common sight on the roads. Though not recently. Presumably there are very few left locally. Which may favour the birds.

 13.00 15C/60F. Back home again after another ride. I had headed north east. Across the gorgeous, undulating countryside in bright sunshine. Returning later into the blustery wind. I used  40% Tour mode and 60% Sport mode. With a rare burst of Turbo on a particularly steep climb. 

 59.3km in 2h:19m at an  average speed of 25.5kph [16mph] and 83rpm cadence. Maximum speed was downhill at 50kph. [30mph] 767m climbing and descent. Battery reserve right down to 23%. I had the spare aboard. Just in case.

 The motor assistance really lifts my average speeds. Lots of keen cyclists out training today. I followed a pair up a hill at a polite distance. They were dancing effortlessly on the pedals. I was trying hard in Sport mode and only just staying with them.

 I know the whole area well. As these were favourite places for us to visit in the car. I have also ridden all over it repeatedly on my trike. I felt sad at times when I remembered us stopping for a cup of tea by a lake. Or to admire a stately home, farm or mill. Or to look at a house for sale in our price range. [Usually a decrepit hovel. Right next to a main road. Or next door to a pig farm. Often all three. And more besides.] 

 The more upright position on the e-bike has solved my problem with overloading my hands and wrists. I know it means more wind resistance but the comfort is well worth it. Previously, it often felt as if my hands were sprained after a ride. Not any more. I have far better control over the bike too. So I can hold my line as cars brush past me in the narrow lanes. 

 My skills at riding on two wheels are returning rapidly now. I just have to be careful not to overcook junctions and bends. Where sand and gravel have often built up. A common problem where the farmers leave mud on the roads. It breaks down to leave a slippery residue. 

 I often kick the larger stuff off the local junctions on my walks. There is always an arc of debris. Which has been there for years and is constantly replaced. Particularly on one local junction on a sharp bend at the top of a hill.  Right on the natural line for bikes. The position of the gravel makes is impossible to ride outside it. Nor cut inside it in traffic. 

 The council used to send a sweeper vehicle along when we first moved here. Not for decades now. They rely on the traffic and at least one concerned pedestrian to keep it clear. I am forever kicking branches off the road. The hedge slasher drops it on the verge. The wind blows it onto the road surface. I have often been tempted to carry a broom over my shoulder on my walks. Like the grim reaper! 

 13.30 A Red kite has just circled slowly over the garden. Just above the trees. With wings outstretched and beautifully coloured. I have opened the greenhouse doors into the house. To let the warmth in. Even with the shade nets it get warm without ventilation to the outdoors.

 16.30 I have been tidying the shelving at the end of the bedroom. I had to go through it again to remind myself what I'd put there in a hurry. After assembling the steel shelf units a few months ago. It is mostly boxes of ornaments and a lifetime collection of Christmas cards. Loads of Christmas decorations which were never put up. There was a box of our son's photos, Which he took while he was at art school. Some of his early drawings.

 As usual, I managed to double the volume required. While halving the shelf space available. I should be strong and box everything to go to the charity shops. But I am not ready. It is still too painful to go back to tidying her stuff for disposal. 

 I must start on the grass cutting. Dandelions are taking over and the grass is six inches high. I can strim it down to a mowing level. The plants which had been low lying under the huge chestnut for years have really taken off. They are a foot high now! The prostrate yews were sulking in the dark for two decades. Now they are bushing upwards. The daffodils are mostly going over now. There were some lovely creamy ones but in completely the wrong place. While the tulips are popping up everywhere. 

 The [satellite dish] pond is looking ugly. Full of fallen plant material. It has become a bit of an eyesore. I thought I'd drop a dwarf pond lily in there. Add some of the Azolla [floating plants] from the old pond. It might make it look more cosmetically acceptable. Failing that I can cover the dish with a black pond liner. Bury the edge under the soil for neatness. I haven't seen a single bird show any interest in it. Not even the heron.

 I am particularly proud of the presentation of tonight's dinner.

 No chicken for Sunday dinner. So it is likely to be fish fingers with chips. Or with pasta, tinned tomatoes and peas. I should start eating salad now it is warmer. Instead of having toast every other day. I always have to throw most of the salad stuff away. It goes off before I can eat it all. I don't feel like eating it every day.


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