29 Sept 2024

29.09.2024 55km.


  Sunday 29th 40F/4C [8.15] Early sunshine expected to continue for the rest of the day. Winds light, westerly, turning southerly after lunch. Woke in the dark and then dozed until 7.30. 

 A good day for a ride. Albeit much cooler. I have suitable clothing to combat the increased chill. From the headwind at higher, e-bike speeds. GripGrab split finger mitts and their Aviator fleece cap under my helmet. I can wear a warmer jacket and take lighter options and a spare jumper in the panniers. While I could go for a drive it wouldn't be the same. I ought to enjoy a ride while conditions and my health still allow. Which means light winds and sunshine. It makes all the difference. 

 I'll ride along the quiet rural lanes going north to a large, Sunday flea market. I bought a nice, framed, beveled mirror there last time. Though I'd have to ride home and then drive back if I find anything so large and heavy again. About 25km each way. Which is an easily manageable distance. I can ride further, or detour, if the mood takes me. 

 12.15 Returned from a 55.5km ride averaging 22km/hr while moving. It was 30km to my goal but a shorter route coming home. I was too warm at 10km in my original jacket. So changed to the Endura and remained comfortable. The split mitts were fine throughout. I was deliberately staying in the same gear to climb hills. To press myself far more than previously. Taking advantage of the interval training on the exercise bike at physio. Saddle soreness was already a problem at 25km and onwards. I saw lots of cyclists out training.

 The greenhouse was at 86F. So I have opened the door into the house. It was only 62F in the living room.

 17.30 55F/13C. Constant sunshine. Hours later it reached 64F in the room and 67F in the kitchen. I was tidying up in the greenhouse and it felt very hot out there. 

 Dinner was cheese on toast with halved tomatoes.



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