3 Sept 2024

3.09.2024 Heart scan and/or clutch?


  Tuesday 3rd 59F/15C[6.40] Another, warm, sunny day is promised. Possibly peaking at 26F later this afternoon.

 Up at 6am after lying awake in the night. Lower back pain is worse than ever but usually fades. No obvious ill effects from yesterday's ride. I sit too upright these days to connect back pain with my rides. There are reports of an increased risk of back pain with statins. Though not by a large margin.

 I have an ultrasound  heart scan in the city just after lunchtime. I had completely forgotten about it until the hospital sent me a reminder SMS. I'd made an appointment to have the clutch adjusted on the Morris today. So I'll ask the garage if they can do it while I wait. It's [allegedly] only a quick job with the car up on the lift.

 8.30. Bike loaded on the Morris carrier. I hope I have everything I need. 

 9.20. Back from the car workshop. He had a car up on the lift without wheels. So it suited him better if I came back on Friday. No problem then. I was chasing a small hare along the lanes. It refused to turn off. Despite plenty of opportunity on the verges. Zigzagging in from of my car. As I slowed right down to let it escape.

11.30 The rest of the morning was spent changing a quarter of the water in the goldfish aquarium. 

 15.15 80F/ 27C. Returned from my appointment at the city hospital. It was more of a follow up regarding the rest of my arteries. I have an oversized artery in my stomach but nothing to worry about unless it hurts. Suggesting a burst requiring emergency treatment. It might never happen in my lifetime. 

 An ultrasound scan of the arteries in my legs showed no enlargement. It was useful being able to get answers to some of my many questions. Which have arisen following my earlier treatment.

 Dinner was fried chicken, mushrooms and eggs.  With a bread roll.



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