21 Sept 2024



  Saturday 21st 53F/12C. Bright but very misty. Another mild, sunny day is promised.  It might reach 21C/70F later this afternoon.

 Up at 7.40 after a very disturbed night. I might need a bigger fire bucket! My lower back is hurting again. I need a walk.

 9.15 55F/13C. Back from a warm walk to the lanes in bright sunshine. I had to take off my jacket as it was turning into a mobile sauna! Thousands of gulls were resting out on a newly sewn field. They quickly dispersed. Despite the hundreds of meters between us. Clouds of starlings were moving nervously between neighbourhood trees. Hundreds of cobwebs hung from the tall weeds and grasses. Glowing with dew droplets in the low sunshine.

 A ride to another shopping village will hopefully harvest more groceries. Some of my once regular items are no longer routinely stocked or even discontinued. One has to take advantage when they appear as special offers when they do crop up. 

 12.40 Returned from a 29km ride. It should have been 20km but I detoured on the way back. To enjoy the last of the summer sunshine in the lanes. There were lots of dragonflies and few clouds of storm flies. The weekend has a completely different feel to weekdays. With far more people around.




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