8 Sept 2024

8.09.2024 Home exercising.


  Sunday 8th 65F/18C [8.15] Promising to be the last summer's day. Much cooler, rain and wind from tomorrow.

 Up at 6.15 after a fairly quiet night.

 8.15 Going for a walk.

 9.00 70F/21C. Returning from my walk. Too warm in a t-shirt. Clouds of tiny flies out again. There lots more yesterday on my ride down to the coast. A tractor was ripping last years spray tracks. Few gulls today compared to the hundreds of thousands I have seen over the past couple of weeks. Another two storey tractor went past. With a great stretch of polished blades hanging off the back. The attempts at field drainage seem to be over for the moment. The low ground becomes a natural pond every year. They have left bare gravel and a big, plastic pipe visible. Not the usual hide and seek. 

 No idea what to do today. I ought to cut the grass before the rain arrives. Depending on the amount of dew and how soon it evaporates. The sun doesn't reach the western lawn until later. 

 11.30 75F/24C. Cloud obscured sun but hot and sticky. I am dripping! The grass is dry and all but finished at a lower setting. 5 or 6/10. The batteries went flat before I could tidy some final pockets. I have been collecting the grass and filling the trailer. The indoor recycling bins have been emptied into the outdoor wheely bins. Now I have to wash up to be able to eat or drink. A short rest first.

 15.30 79F/26C. Hot and humid. I have finished mowing the grass. The relevant recycling, wheely bin has had its run walk to the far end of the drive. I should go shopping but lack momentum. I could empty the trailer at the garden waste, recycling yard. Preferably before the grass starts to break down and go mouldy. Or it rains and makes a total mess in the trailer. Whichever comes first.

 Dinner was mackerel in tomato sauce on toast with halved cherry tomatoes.



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