1 Sept 2024

1st September 2024 Sun dog and a Sunday tootle.


 Sunday 1st 53F/12C [7.45]. Bright with lots of high cloud.

 Up at 6.00 after a quiet night with extra dreams.

 7.45. I must have a walk.  

 8.30  I have returned from a walk to the lanes. I was quite breathless on the gentle climb to the junction. A sun dog hung in the vapour trails to the right of the sun. The upper atmosphere must have had special conditions to show persistent vapour trails. A rainbow wash coloured the clouds just above. The Sunday traffic was pleasantly light. A veteran Vauxhall car went past.

  I forgot to mention that a black weasel ran across the road in front of my bike yesterday. Perhaps 20cm long and no thicker than my thumb at the extended waist. It was fast moving but almost comical. In that it looked like two pantomime animals playing chase. Joined in the middle with a flexible hose. Later a brown vole ran across just as I neared home. An odd coincidence when this happens so very rarely.

 13.00 67F/19C. Continuous sunshine. I have returned from a delightful tootle in the Morris Minor. Up to Bogense on the north coast. Via the winding and hilly, rural lanes. 

 Several people approached me to chat about the car. Others waved. Bogense was very busy. The harbour crowded with yachts. I bought a large, beveled mirror. In a smart wooden frame. For only £10 equivalent at a large flea market. The mirror looks flawless. It nicely hides some of the ugly north wall.

 A horse and carriage waited for me to pass in the lanes. I stopped to take a picture as we exchanged pleasantries. It is such a rare sight to see horses on the road these days. Such a beautiful animal too. So I did my bit to encourage them.

 16.30 I have just come in from mowing Hovel Acres. Or Grovel Acres as it will soon be known. If I carry on like this. Hot! 67F and a jumper? Silly old wotsit. Almost finished but the batteries died. So they have gone on charge. While I have a rest and a much needed cup of tea.

 18.50 Mowing finished. Started on making the dinner. Which was fried, sliced chicken and mushrooms. With pasta and tinned tomatoes. I experimented with the tomatoes. They are usually rather wet. So I only cook half a tin and discard the rest. Today I cooked the whole tin and then sieved the water away. This worked fine but could have been left slightly wetter. I shall know what to do next time.



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