6 Sept 2024

6.09.2024 Off we jolly well go again.


 Friday 6th 63F/17C [6.45] Another warm, dry and sunny summer day is promised. Quite breezy from the east will help it feel cooler.

 Up at 6am after a quiet night. The T-shirts, which I deliberately left out overnight, are rocking on the clothes airer.

 I have to deliver the Morris to the workshop. To have the clutch examined and adjusted. I'll take the bike on the carrier, leave the car and go on from there. I fancy another ride, but where? I keep meaning to visit Otterup. A town which lies north of Odense. It's about 35km away by the most direct route. I have driven and ridden that way many times but usually via main roads. I need a variation over new ground.

 The various map route finders are very unfriendly unless I choose the Walking option. Which then gives the most direct route via minor roads and lanes. Taking the Cycling route all too often uses main roads. Which is anything but what I want. 

 Riding beside roaring lorry traffic is exhausting! Not to mention the lack of segregated cycle paths. Often there is little more than a broken, potholed line. Only a few centimeters from the verge or kerb. If anything at all. Often the road asphalt is flawless. While the "cycle lane" demands a full suspension mountain bike and firmly glued false teeth!   

 8.15 Ready to go. The bike is fixed on the carrier on the back of the Morris. The ramp, panniers and spare battery are stored in the car. To be added after I unload the bike. I have removed the number plates for reasons of privacy. Not that there are that many Morris Minors in the area but there is masses of detail available online.

15.00 77F/25C. Returned with the car after calling in on my way home. A rubber bush had broken up and spoilt the operation of the clutch. I had reached Otterup after fighting a strong and gusty wind all the way. I even managed to stick to the planned route. It wasn't completely unknown but years since I drove that way. I had managed 84km as I pulled into the workshop yard. 

 The new pedals were fine. So grippy it was almost like being clipped into SPDs but without the usual looseness and play. The expensive bib-shorts were not worth the ridiculous outlay. I had  hoped for much more. Lifting the nose of the saddle slightly on the way home. Did more good than the thicker padding. The Brooks B67 has hard edges. Which press through any padding. It would be an exaggeration to say the new bibs added 10km of extra comfort to my best old bibs.

 Dinner was fish fingers and chips. I forgot to take a picture so you'll just have to imagine it.


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