2 Sept 2024

2.09.2024 95km.


  Monday 2nd 53F/12C. It will be bright. With another warm, sunny day promised. Possibly reaching 22C/71F later.

 Up at 6.15 after a restless night. Weird dreams and abusing the fire bucket.

 Physio class this morning. Going in the car I think. My lower back is aching worse than usual.

 9.15. And back again. Idiot! No physio because they are moving up the road. 

 Going for a ride. I still haven't reached Ringe recently. I like the converted railway cycle path. Apart from the peace away from the traffic the countryside is beautiful. 

 16.30 I made it to Fjellerup at 45km. Just beyond Ringe and fighting a headwind all the way. The Fjellerup bike shop was closing after 109 years with only two proprietors. 95km altogether today. The Brooks B67 saddle was a pain. Literally! 

 I paused at my friend's place for a refreshing cup of tea and a much needed rest. At least I did it properly today and took my lunch rolls. As well as several Corny sub-micro, chocolate bars. Two sub-micro apple juice cartons too.

 Dinner was mackerel in tomato sauce on toast. With a whole can of Heinz Tomato Soup and a bread roll.




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