15 Sept 2024

15.09.2024 Letting in the sunlight.


  Sunday 15th 46F/8C [8.20] Bright but cool. It could reach 17C/63F this afternoon as temperatures recover.

 Up at 7.20 after dozing away a quiet night. My lower back pain has become routine. I need a walk.

 9.45 54F/12C. Back from my late walk in light, Sunday traffic. It was completely calm and unusually clear. There is often distant haze obscuring the horizon. The wind turbines were unusually still too. This is almost a rare occurrence. 

 I made the mistake of wearing my down sweater over a jumper. It wasn't long before I removed the sweater. The work to clear the sad cottage and overgrown garden on the lanes continues. It encourages me that I could do the same.

 10.00 It has clouded over. I was considering having a modest ride. The great escape. Lots to do at home and in my own garden. 

 12.10 59F/15C. Bright sunshine. I spent the last two hours cutting down tall hedges and attacking the brambles. The parking space is filled with felled trees and tall branches. I need to leave room for the Morris to escape without running over the spiny branches. I'll use the chainsaw to clean up the logs worth keeping.

 I have removed one layer of shade netting from the greenhouse. The door into the house is open to let in some warmth. 84F/29C out there. Only 63F/17C indoors. Now I need a rest!  

 17.00 My day in the garden has made quite a dent. I did four days of washing up, cleaned the recycling tubs and took the two wheely bins along the drive. A legend in his own time! The mower batteries have spent hours on charge today. As has the chainsaw battery.

 17.30 The room has reached 66F/19C. I am enjoying a cup of tea and a rest before whizzing over the parking space with the mower. 

 18.20 I have mowed the parking space at No4 and the western lawn at No6. A new compost heap has been established inside the front hedge. The grass cuttings go mouldy lying in the trailer. Until I make my next run to the recycling yard. 

 Dinner was cheese on toast with halved cherry tomatoes. I wasn't very generous with the grated cheese. Must try harder.




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