18 Sept 2024

18.09.2024 Taking my e-bike for a drive.


  Wednesday 18th 54F/12C [7am] Thin overcast. Another sunny day expected after a grey start. It could reach 21C/70F.

 Up at 6am after an unusually quiet night. No leg pain today. Dentists appointment in town at 8.30.

 9.15 Safely home from town. The sun came out at 9 only to disappear again. I had a ten minute conversation with an elderly, Morris Minor fan.

 I feel the need for a ride but haven't a clue where to go. Kolding! I haven't been there for ages. 55km km each way is too far for a comfortable ride and back. Three, large cycle shops. I can take the e-bike on the rear carrier. It is lockable onto the tow ball. Park and ride! As I always intended but haven't so far. I can wear civilian clothing for tootling around the town. 

 10.15 Finally ready!

 16.00 Late lunch after returning from my drive to Kolding. I took the bike for over 120km and never removed it from the carrier. The main problem was not finding a long, free, parking space. So I drove around the town. I eventually found all three bike shops. A lot has changed and I didn't remember much. There used to be a free space by the river but they have built over the whole area. It must be years since I was last there. With my wife. In the car and on foot.

 Dinner was salad. Followed by half an hour of washing up the backlog!



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