7 Sept 2024

7.09.2024 All our yesterdays.


 Saturday 7th 63F/17C. Another summer day is promised.  

 Up at 6.10 after a quiet night. 

9.15 67F/19C. Returning from a sweaty walk to the lanes. I had completely misjudged the rapidly rising temperature and quickly removed my jacket. Highlights were field drainage using a digger. A roaring tractor out of sight over the hill and my builder neighbour's trailer. Reappearing in his parking space after an absence of some months. All of which add up to near rural excitement. So that I can hardly contain myself.

 What to do with today? Warm, mostly sunny, 26C/79F and lighter, easterly winds. The record breaking [what else?] summer weather is threatening to break soon. So I ought to maximize the dwindling potential days left for a ride. Even if it isn't to the ends of the earth.

I'll ride down to the unspoilt southern shore. Very hilly, but that doesn't matter on my e-bike. I'll take my spare battery for extended range. Just in case I get all silly and detour. I'll wear my trekking sandals. The new pedals offer a much larger platform.

 13.30 77F/25C. Returning from a ride down to the lighthouse on the tip of Helnæs peninsula. 63km/39miles. I was getting tired and very saddle sore towards the end. Not friction. I was aching badly where my sit bones rest on the hard, leather saddle. 

 I ate three sub-micro Corny bars and drank three organic, sub-micro cartons of apple juice. The 1st battery was still hanging on at 25% as I reached home. It was at 92% charge when I left. 

 Almost exactly 1% charge per kilometer. Mostly in Sport mode at an average speed of 23km/hr in 2h42m [while moving] in a mostly, north/south/north direction. All the while suffering from a sense of melancholic nostalgia.

 Helnæs was where we lived for our first few weeks in Denmark. That was twenty eight years ago. Having sold up the house we built and landscaped with our own hands in North Wales. With the plan to live with my wife's mother over here. In her sprawling farmhouse on 7000 m^2 of land. No, not the pretty one shown in the image above. It was never meant to be but there was no going back. So we bought Chez Hovel in a hurry and so started another, much longer term rebuild. This one was never quite finished. 

 Dinner was the last tin of Heinz Scotch Broth. Bought from the UK in desperation in case it rekindled my late wife's appetite. It was in vain. Eaten today with a buttered bread roll. Only because I was too lazy to make anything else.

 The Google software won't let me place the images correctly.



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