16 Sept 2024

16.09.2024 Out and about.


  Monday 16th 51F/11C [8.00] Bright start with a mild sunny day promised and for the rest of the week. Though it will be colder overnight.

 Up at 6.40 after another quiet night. No ill effects from yesterday's "gardening."

 Physio class this morning. I have to make another appointment to have my new teeth adjusted. They hurt when I bite. I also have to make time for a breath test at the doctors. There is some concern over my occasional breathlessness. I can drop in for the first as I'll already be in town. 

 11.00 53F/12C. Bright sunshine. Safely back from exercising. No ill effects apart from my lower back and getting very hot. I have made appointments for my teeth and the doctors. 

 12.30 65F/18C. Solid sunshine. Returned from the village with a load of groceries. Brought the empty, recycling, wheelie bins back.

 Had a lazy afternoon and evening. The door out to the greenhouse was opened to lift indoor temperatures nicely.

 Dinner was chicken, mushrooms and .. broccoli? I seriously questioned the logic of this choice but it was fine. I should have added some butter but decided it was unhealthy. The way the huge pile of broccoli shrank in the saucepan was actually beneficial.  




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