28 Sept 2024

28.09.2024 Keep on bailin'.


  Saturday 28th 45F/7C [6.45] Some sun and some showers are forecast. With the W-NW winds continuing. Little, or no, overnight rain.

 Up at 6am after a fairly quiet night. The room has dropped to 65F/18C overnight. Only a 1C/2F drop after leaving a second log burning quietly in the stove. 

 I have decided not to change the Thursday appointment for a chest X-ray. Since they were able to provide such a quick reply to my doctor's request it seems churlish and silly not to accept it. The results may change the need for further heart treatments. I keep losing my voice during conversations and this has been going on for far longer than I realised. 

 7.15. I have no idea what to do with today. The weather and wind suggest I stay off the bike. Almost any journey would mean a strong headwind coming home. Intermittently gusting on the northern trees. Now that it is light enough to see anything. Completely still in between gusts. Too early to tell if it is overcast. 

 8.45 Back from a walk along the neighbour's shared drives. Only about a kilometer but at a fair pace. It was chilly and occasionally breezy but sunny. Not at all unpleasant. The water level in the bæk/beck has dropped dramatically. The field was a bit wet but no threat. Rather too flat to drain properly. 

 The landowning neighbors are obviously trying to improve the landscape by mowing. It has been marsh and weeds for as long as I have been here. Nearly three decades. The hilly field overlooking their home has been tilled, rolled and re-grassed. Lifting the relaxed landscaping they are trying to achieve for their grazing horses. 

 I'll have morning coffee and then change some of the fish tank water. Then decide if I want, or need, to go anywhere.

 11.00 51F/11C. Mostly sunny. Just finished the water change and cleaning. The new pump is not only noisy but unreliable in starting now. I should return it. 

 14.00 52F/11C. Warm sunshine. I have been removing large rocks from the parking space in front of the observatory. Then raked in some self stabilizing gravel to provide a firm and level parking surface. This allows the Morris to be parked much further back. Without the former risk of collisions. It also frees up the parking space for mowing in straight lines. Which I hope to do later this afternoon. But didn't.

 I mixed the greenhouse liquid feed with water and fed the tomato plants. The numerous Aspidistra have had a feed too. 

 Dinner was fish fingers and chips. Washed down with apple juice. Yet again I forgot to take a picture. Here's one I made earlier.


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