5 Sept 2024

5.09.2024 New pedals and bibs.


  Thursday 5th 63F/17C [7.15] A warm, bright sunny day is promised but rather windy. The capital has a heat wave warning. Three days of 28C.

 Up at 6.20 after a disturbed night. I must fight the urge to have coffee after dinner. 

 Physio class today at the new [old] venue in town. I'll go in the car. Or not. Today's class has just been cancelled. Due to an incomplete move up the road. That leaves me free to do what I like. Within reason.

 While a longer ride might be tempting. I shouldn't risk more saddle soreness. Not so soon after the 95km ride on Monday. A trip to more distant towns in the Morris would be fun. I have ridden there on the trike but that was several years ago. It would push me over 100km on the bike. Which is rather silly. Or, I could take the e-bike on the carrier. Park and ride? I'll have to think about it.

 16.30 78F/26C. Returned from a drive to Vejle.  Despite wasting an hour on foot I never did find the bike shop I was looking for. So I went to another shop and bought some flat pedals to replace the worn ones. Crank Bros Stamp 2 Large. The new pedals have adjustable grub screws. Hopefully I can now wear the Puma shoes. Which just don't grip on the smooth pedals. They slide about. Whether it is wet or dry. They slide on wet roads and pavements too!

 I also bought some new bibs. With thicker and firmer padding for those longer rides. I had a look around in the shop. The most expensive racing bike was a Cannondale at 200,000 Danish kroner. Nearly £26,000! Reduced from 300,000kr! 😕

 I was an idiot and took nothing to eat or drink with me. It was like an oven all day. I visited several charity shops but found nothing interesting to buy.    

 I have fitted the new pedals. The old ones were easy to remove thanks to the greased threads. 

 Despite not being here for most of the day I managed to get quite a lot of laundry done.

 Having filled my face with bread rolls on my return home. I didn't need any dinner. I made do with an apple. No coffee after my last two nights disturbed sleep.





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