10 Nov 2020

10.11.2020 The free Brexiteers.


Tuesday 10th 42F, another long, grey day in prospect. There wasn't a glimpse of the sun yesterday.

A walk to the lanes in a thin, cold, south-easterly wind. A tractor sprayed the fields as the wind roared in my deaf ears. 

Gulls took one look at me and decided I was bent on gull world domination. So off they went to huddle with the others further away. Jackdaw sentries rose from their treetop lookouts. Then soared off to guard their territory somewhere else.

Flocks of mixed finches moved nervously around the neighbourhood trees and hedges. While sparrows chattered excitedly at the latest new from the US election front lines. I saw a robin yesterday. An unremarkable event anywhere else. Here they are rare and very shy. Robins in our last garden, back in the UK, fed from our hands.

As a UK citizen I have been made aware of distant Brexit arrangements causing trouble. We shall all have to apply for residence permits next year regardless of our present status or length of stay. I was approved for unlimited residence 25 years ago.


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