6 Aug 2020

6.08.2020 Remeniscences of yesteryear.


Thursday 6th 64-83F! Bright with high cloud. Expected to be warm. A rather warm walk to the lanes. The sky was busy with very mixed clouds.I walked back along the edge of the harvested field for a bit more exercise and to put the roadside hedge between the hedge and myself. Too hot and tired to attempt the finishing touches to the hedge. It hovered around 83F all afternoon. I'm not a hot weather person.

Google blogger automatically changed my blog to the mobile phone format today. So I reverted to Legacy. Now the page is far too dark. Making the text almost illegible. Give a google a little power and it will corrupt our entire world. Whoops! They must have been reading my blog. It has now reverted to my carefully composed colour scheme.

I noticed I still had Draft posts going back to 2010. So I deleted them all. 10 years ago they were closing the factory, one real person's life at a time and sending production to China. That was the beginning of my tricycling saga. As I sought work in a banking crisis vacuum.

I still wear my dark grey, uniform t-shirts while I am at home. Not [remotely] out of pride but because they have lasted and I hate waste. I can't remember ever having bought a new t-shirt. Why bother when the charity shops are full of them? Nobody can claim to be poor if they shop for new clothes in the high street.

They don't know poor unless they grew up before the 1960s. Back then school kids would turn up in very obvious hand-me-downs. With pale underpants legs. Yellowed with age and endless boiling in spring water. Hanging well down below their regulation grey, flannel, school shorts. Darned elbows, seats and pockets in school uniforms were commonplace back then.

A shy, Meadow Brown butterfly on the verge.

Certain shops enjoyed "a nice little earner" by having the town's sole monopoly on supplying school uniforms. Making them hideously expensive. Kids with holes in the soles of their shoes were also a public mark of poverty. There was no slave wage, mass production back then.

Posh kids wore the best uniforms and leather-soled shoes. No shine on their jackets! They could always out-slide the poor kids in winter in their rubber soled shoes! Leather soled shoes meant you became a prefect at grammar school. Then you could lord it over the less fortunate. Before going on to university, membership of The Conservative Party and The Golf Club.


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