I am trying very hard to avoid being critical of the politicooze. This is not the place to be pointing out the glaringly obvious. Leave that to the mutually parasitic, advertising media masquerading as news channels.
They have all descended to the level of newspaper tabloids. The countless, catchy, clickbait headlines. Only to be blocked by a demand for ad-blocking be switched off and all cookies be allowed for these advertising fascists.
Google Advertising News is by far the worst! None of the stories is ever new or even remotely original. Just a rehash of something they read on another advertising channel. Whole page demands for cookies to be enabled in exchange for absolute tat.
They deliberately use the Jinping Plague to force their advertising in exchange for zero information. Fake news channels floating, like scum on a sewer, of filth and fear. I have an auto-response. Back click. Move on to the next dire warning headline. Again with No new news! Snake oil headline salesmen peddling their advertising for tired old rumours and innuendo. Corrupt bible thumping, moralist preachers looking for handouts for their next Lamborghini. Advertising is never a victimless crime against humanity. The whole crock of shit is unsustainable. You can never un-see an advertising lie.
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